Hello MichaelZ,

One domain is all your need. Let's assume your domain is www.mydomain.com, then you could place the protected part in a subfolder (www.mydomain.com/private). In Xara, make two sites (separate projects), one for the main site, the other for the subsite. Change the upload target for the subsite to www.mydomain.com/private. Then, if you want, you can put a link (a fully qualified address) to point to one or the other site. Or just tell your friends the other address.

Depending on your provider and the control panel they offer, you may be also able to make a subdomain (e.g. private.mydomain.com) quite easily. This is no different from the above subfolder example. You just have to observe carefully the target folder within your domain that is used for the subdomain (should be shown in the control panel if that option is available). In Xara, point to the correct upload folder or use an FTP program to upload files there.

Quote Originally Posted by MichaelZ View Post
Thank you for the reply Lex. For making 2 sites, Would they be completely separate with a different domain name? In that case I could use the Magix site as the secondary site. Unfortunately only 1 password unless I use the .htpasswd file with multiple users.