It is confusing from the outside, especially to existing users.
Well it should not be too difficult for Xara to clearly explain what Xara/ Magix is responsible for (products and services.) - TG members are continually helping route enquirers to the right location.

I have my doubts whether it is much clearer internally within Xara - here is a straight extract from the Xara website (albeit with my added comparison with Pro v17) :

I understand what Xara trying to do by matching product functionality to the way in which a 'new customer' might want to use it. But wow, is this really the best that can be done? How about rationalising marketing of the new product set into 'Pro' and 'ProCloud'?

As to the Xara website itself - others are better qualified than me here, but for all techo gizmos deployed and leaving aside the fancy animation (just check its impact with Google Lighthouse on performance); surely the talent in Xara could have been deployed to enhance your own website capabilities?
