Hi Egg.

Quote Originally Posted by Egg Bramhill View Post
Re svg's I don't think thats correct. An svg merely tells the browser to draw a line from position x and position y in a certain direction. The width and height of an svg has no impact on the svg's filesize.

You're right. The svgs are nothing but text encoding directions for the browser to draw an image.

I didn't give an explanation of my point.

What happens is that if the design is too small, the decimals will be truncated and give a less precise image, particularly if it is optimized. If the image is huge (for example, it you design it at 1000 x 1000 when 50 x 50 would suffice), the code will include lots more characters than are needed (all the superflous final 0s). While the image quality will not suffer, it will not benefit either. So, the file size will end up being much bigger than it should be, defeating the secondary reason for using svg images (after precision on magnification) of reducing file size as much as possible.

Thanks for letting me clarify.