I am sorry to say that I have been disappointed in that you seem to have ignored everything I proposed in https://www.talkgraphics.com/showthr...170#post624170.

The flag buttons do not have the right code.
The yellow Placeholder is nowhere.
You decided to place the English and French layers between the MouseOff and MouseOver layers to start with and then mix in a popup1 layer elsewhere and to cap it then re-position the French and Layers above MouseOver.

The code in the yellow Placeholder is trying to determine the layer number for French and English. My original was (4, 5); you set an impossible task of making it (4, 3) and thereafter (6, 5).

To make things right I would have to re-order everything, a task that is properly yours.
It is harsh but if you don't you will never know what has gone wrong when updating your site later on.

In its present state I cannot guess if Variants will work.
I am more than happy to work on it but on a corrected version.
