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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Info Did you know... III

    Xara Tip of the Day:
    You can copy the fill colour from the selected object to any other object. Drag the 'current fill colour' patch from the left end of the Colour Line onto an object.
    Now this is very useful.
    Xara doesn't cover it in its Help file.

    Nor does it mention you can use Drag to bring the Line fill colour across.

    Nor does it mention the Start and Stop colours of a Fill can be dragged.

    Nor does it mention you can drop any of the dragged colours onto a Line of another Shape.

    Nor does it mention you can do the same with the patches in the Colour Editor (top right).

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Did you know... III

    xara help is basic...

    I learn't this by experimenting all those years ago....

    good to point it out
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Florida, USA

    Default Re: Did you know... III

    Also learned most of these features from... just being around long enough and experimentation. Yes Acorn, Xara is full of great tricks & methods & systems... even if Xara/Magix doesn't let one know. (Go figure )

    I monitor the valid beefs you & others have and don't disagree. The thing that puzzles me most is that if XARA/MAGIX focused, refined and promoted and supported XDesigner Desktop & its users, I believe
    they would OWN the market... worldwide. I wonder who the powers that be over there are, and why they can't see that XD is a one-of-a-kind app and it 'COULD' easily compete with and far surpass
    90% of the competitive market... even Affinity.

    I just do not understand their lack of vision. You can't imagine how many times I'm asked, "what software did you use to do that"?.... because they can't do what I do IN ANY of their apps.
    And for MAC users, their face drops because they can't use it. I have never shown here most of what I do with XD because it's proprietary stuff... But they can't figure out how I can mock-up so many
    different types things, so fast, and upload. And when they're viewing, how I have notes popping up, and animated arrows pointing to specific things and on and on. How I can have them look at a section
    that needs changing and all they do is click on it, and a corrected graphical version pops up right above it in place showing them exactly what is would look like. (pop-up layers)

    And I get that XARA is jumping on the 'online' 'sharing' 'team' 'branding' design format— following the infinite numbers of existing ones and new ones popping up everyday. Maybe they COULD create a great
    online app? But they will NEVER be GREATER than many of the big ones out there that are doing it very well. They will just become one of the pack and do battle for users. But they COULD OWN
    the desktop market of millions if they had enough drive, understanding and vision... which sadly, and obviously, they do not.

    I use Xara-Cloud (very little if any) and have used and subscribed to at least three of the top ones out there. (yeah, they all some clever tricks) But I have always had an 'unstable' feeling using them. There's
    just something about OWNING, on MY PUTER a piece of software that I take care of. There's a tangible feeling there... I feel solid on desktop apps. No damn servers! No damn wifi! Just me, my puter & software.

    Anyway... It's just that is a damn shame... yes sir, a damn shame.

    Oh well, ya takes what get and makes the best outta it!

    (my being bored Corona rant)


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

    Default Re: Did you know... III

    Cliff, I couldn't agree more. Every piece of graphic/photo software I use, whilst using it, I think I could do this easier and faster in Xara, it's generally more intuitive and includes most of the capabilities of the other programmes.
    There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Did you know... III

    yes well..... assuming what you say is true cliff, the boat has nevertheless sailed, it is too late in the day

    and there are so many things xara designer cannot do, and so if you need these things, then you are going to look at it differently; if you don't and all you do is covered by the program, then fair enough

    for example xara does not do:

    winding rule options
    outline position options [outside-midway-inside] - this is often a real time waster
    it's animation is basic [and that's being kind]
    it's bitmap handling capabilities are tailored !00% towards non-destructive editing, which is actually limiting in many respects
    it does not do greyscale colour space
    it's cmyk is a pain to use [this may be a bit personal]

    mock-ups is what xara does very well indeed [as long as you don't want CAD accuracy] - but in a project there is so much more; the hare does not always win the race
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  6. #6
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Did you know... III

    My tuppence-worth is the Xara Desktop application allows the designer to be creative; the more it focuses on SmartShapes, it detracts from that design seed growing.
    Cliff is productive and in certain markets that wins. I create something the hard way. I learn from it and the second is very structured. Thereafter my designs ease back and become innate.
    Perhaps others do not have the patience to learn these days?

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Did you know... III

    I could say I designed my own desktop computer, it would be a valid thing to say; but I know it would be more accurate to say that I assembled it - I chose the mainboard, the processor, the memory, the graphics card, the sound card, etc... but because I did not build these, I did not design a computer in the real sense.. it is constrained by the design parameters that were chosen by the manufacturers of those components

    this is the way I see design in the sense of XDA is going... the artist in me might say 'painting by numbers' but that is likely unfair

    my computer is tailored by me for the jobs I need to do, and similarly you can design a very effective print document or website using templates and smart shapes and widgets etc, designed and put together by others.... but none of this is seat of the pants design like when I built audio circuits from scratch using op amps and transisitors [and when in short pants, valves[tubes]]

    what I think cliff likes is the ability to do seat of the pants design in xara very quickly - it is why I like programs that enable me to freehand draw in the same way as I would on paper which is my seat of the pants design methodology most of the time
    Nothing lasts forever...

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Did you know... III

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post
    I could say I designed my own desktop computer, it would be a valid thing to say; but I know it would be more accurate to say that I assembled it - I chose the mainboard, the processor, the memory, the graphics card, the sound card, etc... but because I did not build these, I did not design a computer in the real sense.. it is constrained by the design parameters that were chosen by the manufacturers of those components

    this is the way I see design in the sense of XDA is going... the artist in me might say 'painting by numbers' but that is likely unfair

    my computer is tailored by me for the jobs I need to do, and similarly you can design a very effective print document or website using templates and smart shapes and widgets etc, designed and put together by others.... but none of this is seat of the pants design like when I built audio circuits from scratch using op amps and transisitors [and when in short pants, valves[tubes]]

    what I think cliff likes is the ability to do seat of the pants design in xara very quickly - it is why I like programs that enable me to freehand draw in the same way as I would on paper which is my seat of the pants design methodology most of the time
    With you on this. What's not to like build an amp with an EF86 and pretending the hum had actually decreased?

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Did you know... III

    you got the edge on me there, I only ever built line-in power amps with valves, KT66/EL34, hum could still be an issue with though, darn earth loops... by the time I progressed from crystal to low output magnetic coil pickup it was solid state preamps
    Nothing lasts forever...

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Nov 2008
    Florida, USA

    Default Re: Did you know... III

    Quote Originally Posted by handrawn View Post

    my computer is tailored by me for the jobs I need to do, and similarly you can design a very effective print document or website using templates and smart shapes and widgets etc, designed and put together by others.... but none of this is seat of the pants design like when I built audio circuits from scratch using op amps and transisitors [and when in short pants, valves[tubes]]

    what I think cliff likes is the ability to do seat of the pants design in xara very quickly - it is why I like programs that enable me to freehand draw in the same way as I would on paper which is my seat of the pants design methodology most of the time
    A couple of thoughts if I'm following you and Acorn... sort of. It's tough though because you two have a particularly well developed thought process with an excellent ability to express yourselves well—hard for the 'average' joe to keep up with or even partake... In other words... you two be scary!

    But anyway, here goes, you don't scare me! And this won't be long.

    I have noticed something over the years here on TG - (doesn't take a genius to see) the change/transition that has REALLY upset the veteran/artists. I'm just gonna talk 'big picture', no reasons/details why or whatever. What my simple mind has noticed (as the big picture) was the Xara movement from what was, and what it could have been as a purely fantastic vector drawing/design program. I remember (and still have) the very early promo's of Xara and how the emphasis was on vector and the power of, and the crazy zooming ability of, and the drawing tools of, etc., the program.

    So the evolution began... Web design, more talk about desktop publishing, less and less about vector design and the improvement of the vector tools as well as never any new vector drawing tools.
    (Why this occurred, is not up for my discussion) For this moment, it is what it is.... So...

    From MY perspective and needs... your loss (artists) is my gain. I'm just being pragmatic. I have a problem. I need to make a living. I need tools that help me do that. Xara has developed into one of the most useful (of course far from the wish list) programs I've ever used to help me with those needs.

    And yes Handrawn I do like the "seat of the pants" design Xara allows me to do. But (good) templates, smart shapes, widgets etc. do not make for a decent finished produce. (Of course I know you know this) We all know some really ugly stuff can be created with the Xara tools. There is some sense of design & creativity needed to use them to their fullest capabilities to create an end product (one that can be $old).

    So yes, I feel for the artists here (wish I was one - jealous of your abilities) but please, take this the right way... I don't give a hoot about your Xara problems... or I should say, I care as much about your Xara problems as you cared about mine over the years... (Not being nasty here - and hesitated to write that) I'm just trying to make a point. Simply put... If Xara did a total 360 tomorrow and focused 95% on developing the vector drawing tools for artists and began pulling back all the web stuff and document publishing stuff and put ME out in the cold, hhhhmm me thinks the artists around here would be doing a jig and not giving me a seconds thought... C'mon, admit it... admit it.

    One last thing...handrawn; when you were "building audio circuits from scratch", weren't those op amps, transistors, valves, tubes, boards, and whatever you used to "build from scratch" the templates and smart shapes and widgets you needed to "build form scratch"? You didn't build THEM, did you?

    Well, anyway, I don't know at this point if I even made any coherent points/thoughts... I normally don't converse too much in forums because I always get into trouble. (haven't mastered the art of forum dialogue)
    It's the Corona Cabin Fever that has be opening my mouth. (and hoping I didn't stick my foot in it)

    With respect


    Oh yeah, I have my gripes and a many frustrations with the app... but another skill I've learned to develop is the 'work-around' skill. (shame I even have to say that)
    Last edited by cmpan1; 31 March 2020 at 02:05 AM. Reason: typo




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