Also learned most of these features from... just being around long enough and experimentation. Yes Acorn, Xara is full of great tricks & methods & systems... even if Xara/Magix doesn't let one know. (Go figure )

I monitor the valid beefs you & others have and don't disagree. The thing that puzzles me most is that if XARA/MAGIX focused, refined and promoted and supported XDesigner Desktop & its users, I believe
they would OWN the market... worldwide. I wonder who the powers that be over there are, and why they can't see that XD is a one-of-a-kind app and it 'COULD' easily compete with and far surpass
90% of the competitive market... even Affinity.

I just do not understand their lack of vision. You can't imagine how many times I'm asked, "what software did you use to do that"?.... because they can't do what I do IN ANY of their apps.
And for MAC users, their face drops because they can't use it. I have never shown here most of what I do with XD because it's proprietary stuff... But they can't figure out how I can mock-up so many
different types things, so fast, and upload. And when they're viewing, how I have notes popping up, and animated arrows pointing to specific things and on and on. How I can have them look at a section
that needs changing and all they do is click on it, and a corrected graphical version pops up right above it in place showing them exactly what is would look like. (pop-up layers)

And I get that XARA is jumping on the 'online' 'sharing' 'team' 'branding' design format— following the infinite numbers of existing ones and new ones popping up everyday. Maybe they COULD create a great
online app? But they will NEVER be GREATER than many of the big ones out there that are doing it very well. They will just become one of the pack and do battle for users. But they COULD OWN
the desktop market of millions if they had enough drive, understanding and vision... which sadly, and obviously, they do not.

I use Xara-Cloud (very little if any) and have used and subscribed to at least three of the top ones out there. (yeah, they all some clever tricks) But I have always had an 'unstable' feeling using them. There's
just something about OWNING, on MY PUTER a piece of software that I take care of. There's a tangible feeling there... I feel solid on desktop apps. No damn servers! No damn wifi! Just me, my puter & software.

Anyway... It's just that is a damn shame... yes sir, a damn shame.

Oh well, ya takes what get and makes the best outta it!

(my being bored Corona rant)
