Very nice logo, I think you nailed it.
Very nice logo, I think you nailed it.
XT-CMS - a self-hosted CMS for Xara Designers - Xara + CMS Demo with blog & ecommerce shopping cart system.
Thanks xtom... yup! That's the one they settled on.
about two hours ago or so I get an email that that have a brick wall in the F. Home that they want to put a 24x36 poster on....
"Can we see some samples (mock-ups) with maybe a butterfly background and the new logo?"
I just sent this link...
you see, that's what I mean about Xara... fast fast fast... Do it, Upload, Send link, Discuss and get er done...
Oh yeah... $$$ After I give them the final, it's in their hands. I'm done!
What do you think I'm gonna charge these folks for a final PDF poster that
THEY are going to have printed out.
I'll probably charge them about $150 for one of the 'works of art'. All of 3 hours work!
Top left, I love the woods. I don't care how you frame it that is the one.
You're drastically undervaluing your worth and your value to their company. You have seen their price list haven't you.
There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.
Very elegant solution. Top right for me, as I'm just a fan of monochrome styling/logos. You can add color later, but if the shapes don't hold up, then color won't save it (with a couple of exceptions of course...there's always exceptions).
I'm curious what ideas ended up in the bin for this one...
See my some of artwork and hear some of my music at
Yes, everyone wants you to work at maximum quality then when you deliver, they don't want to pay for it. Sadly, graphics are one of those things that people don't notice when it's done to perfection. They think good design just falls out of the sky, or even worse these days, some AI craps out it when you move a couple of sliders in an app...then there's the people that believe that just because they have some kind of vector or raster graphics software they moderately understand how to use, this alone makes them just as capable as someone who's been in the industry for 30 years or something.
Human nature is at the heart of these problems, sadly...
See my some of artwork and hear some of my music at
What is your process for making the video. Are you using Xara for all of layout and animation of the text?