Kate, thank you for the detail of the new version.

Quote Originally Posted by webmaster View Post
Don’t read too much into the version number change, this is driven by retail channel considerations...
...there will be no auto-update.
This neglects to mention that all changes to settings and toolbar layouts, change of location of the Cache and many other user adjustments all go by the wayside.

Neither do you mention that you have set the licence servers to no longer allow two installs of the prior major version to continue running with an install of v17.0. You might no think this important but the Xara past record of new releases has rarely been smooth and your Customers have had to regress to the earlier "working" version to republish existing websites.

Thank you for Image Filenames. I see that multiple copies on the page only require one uploaded image.
It is a pity that the simple rotation of an image or scaling or a Live Copy requires it to be numbered.
No one thought about adding the Image Filename option to the Photo pop-up.
Or some tie up with the Name gallery and the Page & Layer gallery.
Perhaps the next update?

I am pleased that the SmartShape Table link issue appears to have been fixed. I note the distinct notice of any changes or improvements to any SmartShapes.

I have noted issues with the new Paragraph Borders elsewhere.

I know you expect the Xara Desktop application to just work and that you hide all the nitty-gritty away from us. The problem comes when there has been a bug that is then fixed. We have limited information about what the fix does so we end up hunting and pecking to be really sure we can now use the feature as intended.
What I am asking for here is more detail behind the fixes.

I look forward to working through the changes.
