Quote Originally Posted by TheeeDragon View Post
I am missing something (somewhere)
The browser viewport size (css size) is not the same as the device size in pixels. Browser window sizes are 'virtual' and not the same as the pixel size of the display. In the past they used to be equivalent, but as pixel densities have increased, they have changed. This allows a web page designed for a low-density device to work on a high-density device too. If they did not use virtual pixels (points) then on higher density devices the page would shrink into the corner of the display.



[ edit: Consequently for images to be crisp on higher density displays the image needs to be larger in pixel size than the CSS points they are sized to one the page. For example a image of 100x100 points should be at least 200x200 pixels (or more) in size to stop them looking fuzzy on higher-density displays. ]