Quote Originally Posted by Rik View Post
I assume that we're talking about XDP16?
I've just updated mine, and nothing seemed to be uninstalled?
My version was simply updated to V16.3.0.57723
Have they fixed something or the whole issue Acorn has had is nothing to do with the update I've just done?
Rik, it was because my application wasn't offering an "update" that I took Kate's "If you’re still on v15 then you will need to re-download Designer Pro from https://www.xara.com/designer-pro/download/" advice, thinking it would work for early v16s as well. With limited guidance, what might you have done, noting I have had three prior successful notifications across all my licences spanning a quite few years? Also, the same download will be the one you would use if you had to re-install following a subsequent problem so my experience may reflect your future ones.
