Hi Steve. I have had problems with Ecwid for a few years. I have several clients that use Ecwid for their shopping portal. I have embedded the whole shopping page onto the website successfully, only to have the page stop working after a couple of weeks, and also Apple systems didn't display the shop on the website. I would re-embed the shopping page, it would function okay for awhile, and then the same thing would happen. So I embedded the buy button only to keep the shopping cart on the website, and had problems with that as well. In the end, after contacting Ecwid support numerous times and following their advice - including pointing the server from their server to my clients server and vice versa - I resorted to just putting a button on the website that linked to my client's Ecwid shop. This is not ideal, as it opens onto my client's Ecwid website they setup, with similar content as the Xara site, but at least the client is not missing out on sales. Here is an example of what I mean (site is a few years old) - and if you click on one of the buy buttons you will see how it opens in the Ecwid shop. Paypal is so much easier to use, and Shopify also. If you find a great solution to this, please post it in this thread as I have been stumped with this for years. Cheers, Abi