Quote Originally Posted by soeno View Post
I'm a long time user (probably about 20 years now!) and advocate of Xara Designer, but it's been the first time in many years I've actually had a question about it...

I've noticed recently that when I copy and paste an image from Windows' snipping tool into Xara, it's started to import them as JPEGs not as bitmaps as I would expect it to.
Does anyone know where the option is to set this behaviour?
I've tried changing the settings under Options -> View tab -> Bitmaps, but it doesn't seem to apply to images imported from the clipboard.

Any ideas?
Soen, I have just tried a free-form snip and save as PNG.

It does not appear to have an alpha channel (no transparency).

Xara would never have imported an image as a "bitmap" (.BMP); the Bitmap gallery is a store of images awaiting your decision on how they are to be displayed (JPG, PNG).

If you want a PNG of the image on your design page, use Web Properties > Image > Web image types, set to PNG.
Even if you place a transparent PNG on your design page, Xara will render it as a JPG with the background bordering the PNG included.
Only when you declare it to be PNG, does it remain so.
