Now I've seen your screenshots and we aren't concerned with load times because it's being run form USB/HDD...

A page called Artist with a photo grid of all artists starting with 'A'. Name the grid artistA. Another grid with artists starting with B, name the grid artistB and so on and so on.
A separate page called Album. Repeat the above with album titles and name the grids albumA, albumB etc.
If each picture in Artist had a list of their albums next to their picture, you could use the 'Pop-Up Photo' option in 'Web Properties > Image' to make the thumbnail readable. Same applies to a track list for each album.
I now make a huge assumption and say there is an easy way of using a single photo in a photo grid to Link to Anchor otherwise I've just wasted your time.

You have an understanding of Access, think of a Named Object as the Primary Key in Access.

Is it worth scrapping what you have and starting again? Good grief, no! But this is about an exchange of ideas and methods which may be of use in the future.