Quote Originally Posted by mwenz View Post
Thanks for the reporting, Ernie. A true labor of love...

I think I'll stick to using an actual layout application. Aside from being a more assured work-flow, and the fact it is far faster to use a layout application, most/all of the issues you raise are non-existent.

Thanks again. Mike
Hi Mike, I tried the hole think to do with PagePlus X9. I got a license for PagePlus so I tried it too. No chance to handle the many linked pictures in PP. It crashed all the way when I got more than 350 images linked.

And Quark XP 8 crashes too. There is no time saver in my software repertoire. Only one I can thing is InDesign. Maybe the new Quark can handle it but 829,- €, 399,- € if I'm able to update because the QXP 8 Version is an education thing, is more money I'm willing to pay. Xara XDP v16 has cost money too, sot it must now make money for me.

I think I was pretty fast with my work in Xara. It has been faster if there wheren't the things I mentioned. In InDesign I wasn't faster with a project like this and I feel well in Indi in the use of the last 10 years.
But I said „Goodbey” to Adobe's Creative Cloud.

Servus Ernie