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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2000

    Default Xara, watch this and weep

    Dear Xara,

    I know you don't give a single one anymore.
    But just in case you did not know HOW far you are behind Affinity Designer or Illustrator you are, just watch this to give you an idea of what is possible today.
    Hint: You are no even on the horizon anymore.


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2010
    Kildare, Ireland

    Default Re: Xara, watch this and weep

    Some nice features. Could have done with that freeform gradient tool a while ago.
    XT-CMS - a self-hosted CMS for Xara Designers - Xara + CMS Demo with blog & ecommerce shopping cart system.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Default Re: Xara, watch this and weep

    Speaking from the point of someone who has used xara for decades, when xara first came out it was years ahead of itself compared to competition. I would not bite the hand that feeds you once so you on the other hand are doing just that or are you a new user or not a user at all? Magix is marketing Xara and they have ton of other softwares to sell including Xara, there is no urgent need for them to compete with Affinity and Illustrator. You also do not need every single feature that makes you happy in one program. Simply expand your tool set and buy the other softwares and work them together. Lastly many people complain about Xara's features but their portfolio or non for that matter speaks how much they use and optimize those features. I am not saying this against you, I am speaking in general terms. Good luck and hope to see your work in the gallery if you decide to work with Xara.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Xara, watch this and weep

    A customizable interface for different tasks is very useful and
    I asked for this feature many, many years ago.
    Still hope that they add a programming language to Xara.
    Last edited by capellan; 23 October 2018 at 01:51 AM. Reason: grammatical correction




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