Hi all,
I need to say I'm really ignorant on everything I'm about to say: I don't know about codes, HTML, CSS, Java or anything, I'm just trying to figure out what to do to complete my website.
So, I wanted to add the Messenger Chat widget on my website (I'm using Web Designer Premium) and I got the HTML code Facebook give to add on my website. I was told to insert the code on the end of every body of the pages I wanted the widget on, but I can't figure out how to do it on WebDesigner.
Can't open the html in the program, and it's quite complex for me open the html directly on an editor, so I tried alternatives.
One thing I thought I could do was to create an object like the famous rectangle and in its properties insert the code (I tried body, head and both) but it didn't work.
I've also tried to paste the code in the "body" of the "every page of the website" section, somewhere in the website properties, but didn't work either.
I know it can be hard to answer to someone who knows so little but I'm here trying to understand.
How can I do what I'm attempting?
If you need to know anything just ask.