Quote Originally Posted by maksimon View Post
..Maybe the software is too expensive? When I bought and now - i regret NOTHING! But at this point(a complete lack of progress) - upgrade cost of XDP365 is unreasonably expensive....
I certainly love the software - up to the point at which art brushes were implemented I reckoned it value for money.. now for me it definately is not, and that is quite apart from the 365 update model which is devious

Where I come from devious is defined as the use of underhand tactics to achieve an outcome, and that is what the update model is... Xara can dress it up anyway they like, but they have failed to deliver the substance of what they promised.. they appear to be just milking it, [and at the same time attempting to lock in users with the online content...]

So not only does that raise the question: is the update maodel actually working for them? it also means that, whilst the program is maybe worth the asking price when bought new, the upgrade price is not for those of us sensible enough not to get caught in what BF calles the 'xara lemming trap'

For the company: Catch 22 - market saturation and stiff competition can mean loss of income.. would reducing prices fix that or make it worse?