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  1. #1

    Default Alt Image Text / SEO

    I've done some searching through the forums, but have found mostly advice for older versions of Web Designer. (And that the search engine isn't finding related posts, but that's another issue.)

    What is the best process for adding alternative text for images so search engines and social media, like Facebook, will recognize the image and include it in social media shares? I've noticed with recent changes to Facebook that the images are no longer being picked up from a shared website page built with Web Designer Premium.

    Thanks in advance for anyone who can point me in the right direction.

    ~ Paul W.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Alt Image Text / SEO

    Hi Paul, as you state TG's search option is rubbish. You're far better off using the following Google option:

    Paste the following into the browser windows search box:

    site:http://www.shipsnostalgia.com/ + search term

    Don't click on the above link, just copy & paste it into the browser address bar. Change the 'search term' to whatever your searching for

    Minis Forum UM780XTX AMD Ryzen7 7840HS with AMD Radeon 780M Graphics + 32 GB Ram + MSI Optix Mag321 Curv monitor
    + 1Tb SSD + 232 GB SSD + 250 GB SSD portable drive + ISP = BT + Web Hosting = TSO Host

  3. #3

    Default Re: Alt Image Text / SEO

    Thanks for the search tip! Any ideas on the getting 'alt text' to work?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Currently New York State

    Default Re: Alt Image Text / SEO


    After you place the image where you want it, right click on it. Select Web Properties and under the Image tab there is a place for Alt Text.


  5. #5

    Default Re: Alt Image Text / SEO

    Quote Originally Posted by RKissane View Post

    After you place the image where you want it, right click on it. Select Web Properties and under the Image tab there is a place for Alt Text.


    Thanks for the response, Ray. I did find that option and have tried it (and I should have mentioned that previously). Unfortunately, it isn't being picked up in the code and the tag for the images I've tried it on still looks like this: ' alt=" " '. That is where social media is looking to verify the image info and it isn't there.


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Alt Image Text / SEO

    I can't replicate that Paul. If I add an Alt title it shows up in the page source file ???

    Minis Forum UM780XTX AMD Ryzen7 7840HS with AMD Radeon 780M Graphics + 32 GB Ram + MSI Optix Mag321 Curv monitor
    + 1Tb SSD + 232 GB SSD + 250 GB SSD portable drive + ISP = BT + Web Hosting = TSO Host

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Currently New York State

    Default Re: Alt Image Text / SEO


    Can you post your file for us to look at?


  8. #8

    Default Re: Alt Image Text / SEO

    Quote Originally Posted by Egg Bramhill View Post
    I can't replicate that Paul. If I add an Alt title it shows up in the page source file ???
    And now I can't either. Tried it again, uploaded the file and the source code shows it in the Alt title. Weird. And I even cleared the cache and checked the source code on multiple browsers and the file itself.

    I do notice that the Open Graph properties are not being filled in completely so I may have to find a work around for those. This would explain why the photos are not showing up when the page is shared on Facebook.

    You can check out any page using this link: https://developers.facebook.com/tools/debug/sharing/

    Paul W

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Alt Image Text / SEO

    Web Properties / Page / HTML Code HEAD:

    <meta property="og:url" content="http://www.your-domian.com/og" />
    <meta property="og:type" content="article" />
    <meta property="og:title" content="This is just a test of Open Graph Markup" />
    <meta property="og:description" content="Designed by Egg-static?" />
    <meta property="og:image" content="http://www.your-domian.com/og/index_htm_files/og.png" />
    <meta property= "og:image:height" content="200" />
    <meta property= "og:image:width" content="200" />

    should do this Paul

    Minis Forum UM780XTX AMD Ryzen7 7840HS with AMD Radeon 780M Graphics + 32 GB Ram + MSI Optix Mag321 Curv monitor
    + 1Tb SSD + 232 GB SSD + 250 GB SSD portable drive + ISP = BT + Web Hosting = TSO Host

  10. #10

    Default Re: Alt Image Text / SEO

    First, sorry for the delayed reply as I was away for the internet for days. Sometimes that is a good thing.

    Thank you for this code. I was thinking something like this might be the solution. The only issue I see is setting the file name correctly. I've never thought about if the file name changes when it is reloaded, etc. It would be nice if that file name was something we could set, but that has been hashed out many times already.

    Paul W




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