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  1. #1

    Thumbs down Paid PREMIUM Support to Magix for Xara Web Designer

    I paid for premium support to Magix then received an email with my order confirmation number and access code followed by a link to the phone number. It seems Magix takes the money then does not answer the phone. It has been dialed almost straight for over 2 hours yesterday, Monday, basically half of their support hours as stated 1-4 CST. I went through this the last time I paid for Magix premium support, so shame on me. Last time took me several days to reach support with many calls within an hour or so each day.
    It feels as though they have taken my money with no plans on answering the call. Heck, there isn't even an automatic attendant answering and giving me my position in line. Oh, I did get an email suggesting a few links that may resolve my issue. None of the suggestions pertained to my issue, go figure. The email went on to say if this did not resolve your issue, click the "No" button....there was not a "No" button (you can't make this stuff up). It was probably good that there was a not a "No" button or I would have broken my mouse clicking it. I don't think my printer will hold enough paper to print a detail call list for this month. While I loved the product in the past, the support could be reflecting the direction the product is moving towards. Bottom line, DON'T PAY FOR PREMIUM SUPPORT, they aren't going to give it to you anyway, Magix won't even answer. On a good note, they treat everyone the same, whether you pay or not. Give it a try for yourself, first try to find the support numbers, don't worry about paying for it, just try to dial it and see if you get anything. If you do, please patch me in! Remember, patch me in, don't forget about me, please. They should have paid me to not support their product. 🙁😣😖😫😡 (Not enough emojis...too funny).
    I just notice below this post, it says "Tips for getting quick responses...", they should have tips for getting a paid premium support call answered.

    Starship, Tuesday, 06/05/18, still no answer at Magix Support.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Paid PREMIUM Support to Magix for Xara Web Designer

    Quote Originally Posted by klowetx View Post
    On a good note, they treat everyone the same, whether you pay or not.
    That's really funny -- if it weren't such a sad story.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Lam, Bavaria-Germany

    Default Re: Paid PREMIUM Support to Magix for Xara Web Designer

    Hi, I had a similar experience with Magix. See here: https://www.talkgraphics.com/showthr...270#post585270
    An e-mail request has remained unanswered to this day.
    It's a shame how Magix/Xara treats its customers. What makes me really angry is the silence on the part of Magix and Xara.

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    ...Granada province, Andalucia, Spain

    Default Re: Paid PREMIUM Support to Magix for Xara Web Designer

    Xara + Magix is very shaky, on the verge of collapse, I'd say. It is really funny, Boy, or it would be if it weren't also such a pity.
    The answer of course is for everyone to vote with their feet and look elsewhere for their design requirements.
    ** Detailed "Create A Spinning Logo Tutorial" is available in .pdf format for download at this link **
    Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. Groucho Marx.

  5. #5
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    Jul 2010

    Default Re: Paid PREMIUM Support to Magix for Xara Web Designer

    Quote Originally Posted by iamtheblues View Post
    Xara + Magix is very shaky, on the verge of collapse, I'd say. It is really funny, Boy, or it would be if it weren't also such a pity.
    The answer of course is for everyone to vote with their feet and look elsewhere for their design requirements.
    I admit I am a fan of Xara software but I'm not sure I understand why you are professing the end is nigh. I'd say the opposite. All indications I've read from Xara management are that things have changed but it is business as usual. Xara and Magix have never excelled at customer relations and communications, but their desktop software is definitely still being updated and moving forward (albeit slowly and maybe not in the direction you or I want). I also don't believe there is a good alternative integrated web and design application available elsewhere just at the moment.
    Jono (Jon)
    Xara Photo & Graphic Designer+

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    Hertfordshire, UK

    Default Re: Paid PREMIUM Support to Magix for Xara Web Designer

    Hi klowetx,

    Can you send me your order confirmation number and I will see what's going on with Magix. I'm really sorry to hear about their support, I'll do my best to make sure this goes to the appropriate department as it's really unacceptable on their part.


  7. #7
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    ...Granada province, Andalucia, Spain

    Default Re: Paid PREMIUM Support to Magix for Xara Web Designer

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonopen View Post
    I admit I am a fan of Xara software but I'm not sure I understand why you are professing the end is nigh. I'd say the opposite. All indications I've read from Xara management are that things have changed but it is business as usual. Xara and Magix have never excelled at customer relations and communications, but their desktop software is definitely still being updated and moving forward (albeit slowly and maybe not in the direction you or I want). I also don't believe there is a good alternative integrated web and design application available elsewhere just at the moment.
    I am still a regular user of Xara for any work that requires vector tools and would probably never go anywhere else for that. It is a valuable tool for me in that respect.
    However, all the other bells and whistles are, in my opinion pretty much irrelevent.
    There is a lot that Xara excels in doing, with the notable exception of Open Type support, which is ill-conceived and useless for the intended purpose.

    Affinity Designer and Photo are two programs that work seamlessly together and do most of what Xara's flagship program does, but are cohesive and integrated,
    despite being 2 separate programs (also still far cheaper for the two than Xara Designer Pro).
    The web stuff is of no use to me, so as it stands I can get by with just Photo and Graphic Designer. The problem is that good as Xara's design tools are, there has been
    no advancement in the past five years or so. Far too long between updates and Xara staff tending to hide in the background (with the notable exception of Rob-Xar).
    There should be profuse and heartfelt apologies for failing to deliver anything of value. (TABLES! Don't forget the TABLES!!) Really! You couldn't make it up.
    The Affinity team on the other hand produce regular meaningful updates in a fraction of the time at a remarkable cost.
    I have not even mentioned the farcical situation relating to the subscription model. That is what it is, despite denial. Nobody understands fully how it works and people are
    shelling out for a promse of jam tomorrow and being let down when they do eventually add the bloody tables, which were never even asked for.

    The end is nigh, although that isn't what I said, the end is nigh at the consumer end of things. The Magix Roundabout may well keep turning, but with meagre customer
    support and no telephone response, they will have nobody to talk to when the customers all move on to something far better. But Magix won't be bothered,
    they have many other interests, so the Xara side's failure won't worry them too much.
    I still stand by my statement that Xara-Magix is very shaky but collapse may be avoided. But in the grand scheme of things it won't matter too much either way.
    In all honesty with regard to Xara, there is nothing to see here, folks. Adobe can cope with the loss of customers as a result of their pricing policy, because Adobe's products are the industry standard. Xara-Magix are nowhere by comparison. The future of Xara looks pretty bleak to me.
    ** Detailed "Create A Spinning Logo Tutorial" is available in .pdf format for download at this link **
    Outside of a dog, a book is a man's best friend. Inside of a dog, it's too dark to read. Groucho Marx.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Paid PREMIUM Support to Magix for Xara Web Designer

    One should not lose sight of the fact that a new company was formed for xara cloud: Xara GMBH, based in Berlin

    So that means there are now two 'Xaras' both apparently part of the Magix 'partnership'

    On the one hand this might mean seperate devlopment teams result in resources not being diverted from one project to the other; on the other it means either project can be curtailed or abandoned independantly of the other...

    Magix doing the marketing and support for the desktop project may just be an efficient way of avoiding a duplication of effort.. or it may be the first step in a transition... 'good' or 'bad'

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2010
    Lam, Bavaria-Germany

    Default Re: Paid PREMIUM Support to Magix for Xara Web Designer

    According to me, Xara is a dying horse. Magix as stable owner lets it die. Xara alone does not have the strength (money) to keep the horse alive.
    Affinity is too far ahead of Xara to even play. Adobe has stopped Muse. What did Magix/Xara do?
    Nothing, because they always did nothing and waited for others to pick the apples.
    Tare but true.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Paid PREMIUM Support to Magix for Xara Web Designer

    Quote Originally Posted by iamtheblues View Post
    ...the bloody tables, which were never even asked for.
    I understand your position well enough. Smart Tables, however, are Xara's attempt to reclaiming it has a professional DTP application, still a bit wide of the mark if you include the problems with Open Type features too. And don't forget we got Text Inside for our troubles as well.

    Perhaps, as a demanding customer base, we are too rich a sauce for Magix.
    I feel Xara has taken a drubbing over this painful transition. Let's give it the benefit of the doubt and see what it can produce for the next update. Matt Bolton was promising 3 to 4 a year, so early August is crunch time.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat



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