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  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Default Re: Muse died so why was Xara silent

    Scary as Crap! If that is the case, it will be like Serif when they stood up their web people and Adobe with Muse. So really web development is down the toilet and so is print and graphic design. So Are you guys saying pro's like myself should start opening a restaurant? What I am saying is use Xara, use Serif for print and illustration, use adobe and do not stick to one platform. Learn wordpress if you have to. So All the bitch... that goes on here and other forums is a waste of time, I know I have been a victim of it but if I want to wait for Xara to come up with a booking system, I can easily switch to a place holder or wordpress. You get my point?

    Also Xara should have kept web design to web design and Xara to illustration and vector work, by them mixing the two they screwed up everything for the end user.
    Last edited by behzad; 29 May 2018 at 02:17 PM.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Mississippi, USA

    Default Re: Muse died so why was Xara silent

    Quote Originally Posted by browj2 View Post
    Interesting. Magix is supposed to be doing most of the marketing, I believe, and dropped the ball, somewhat. Yes, there should have been proactive marketing from both Xara and Magix on this, targeting Muse users. Maybe they were too busy with Xara Cloud.


    I have raised one marketing issue with both Magix and Xara concerning Xara, and that is the integration of Xara P&GD and DPX with the Magix video editors. Many users of video programs want to be able to draw on the video, add their own overlays including drawings, graphics and annotations, and masks, both static and animated. All it takes is having one of these Xara programs installed. Xara is integrated with the video editors, but Magix and Xara have not been promoting this feature. They should.

    I use Magix MEP and have XDP. How do they "work together". I use XDP to create and edit images, save them and then import into MEP videos. Is there mo' better integration that I don't know about?

  3. #13
    Join Date
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    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Muse died so why was Xara silent

    Yes Eric, John has done an excellent video on integration of the two. Perhaps he'll post a link as I can't find it right now.

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  4. #14
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    La Malbaie, Canada

    Default Re: Muse died so why was Xara silent

    Quote Originally Posted by onlye View Post

    I use Magix MEP and have XDP. How do they "work together". I use XDP to create and edit images, save them and then import into MEP videos. Is there mo' better integration that I don't know about?

    Here is a link to a recent tutorial that I did on creating masks for MEP/VPX directly from MEP/VPX using Xara:


    and here is another, more appropriate showing how to open Xara from MEP, create or draw whatever, animated or static, and it comes back onto the timeline. I am in the process of redoing this one properly.


    There are instructions in the MEP and VPX manuals to do this. Search for Xara in the help file. Here is an excerpt:

    "Create overlay graphic/animation
    Create vector graphics or animations in an external editor such as Xara Designer Pro in order to use them as overlay objects in MAGIX Movie Edit Pro. A typical use scenario would be to draw an object in order to darken certain portions of the video, such as a black bar to cover a person's eyes. Overlay objects aren't bound to the source material by grouping. They can me moved and edited as you please.

    I am also in the process of doing a tutorial on the various ways that Xara is used with or by MEP and VPX, including Xara 3DMaker. I did a tutorial recently on MEP and VPX with 3D Maker.
    John CB
    Xara DPX(

  5. #15
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    Mississippi, USA

    Default Re: Muse died so why was Xara silent

    Quote Originally Posted by browj2 View Post

    Here is a link to a recent tutorial that I did on creating masks for MEP/VPX directly from MEP/VPX using Xara:


    and here is another, more appropriate showing how to open Xara from MEP, create or draw whatever, animated or static, and it comes back onto the timeline. I am in the process of redoing this one properly.


    There are instructions in the MEP and VPX manuals to do this. Search for Xara in the help file. Here is an excerpt:

    "Create overlay graphic/animation
    Create vector graphics or animations in an external editor such as Xara Designer Pro in order to use them as overlay objects in MAGIX Movie Edit Pro. A typical use scenario would be to draw an object in order to darken certain portions of the video, such as a black bar to cover a person's eyes. Overlay objects aren't bound to the source material by grouping. They can me moved and edited as you please.

    I am also in the process of doing a tutorial on the various ways that Xara is used with or by MEP and VPX, including Xara 3DMaker. I did a tutorial recently on MEP and VPX with 3D Maker.
    Wow, Thanks!

  6. #16
    Join Date
    May 2002

    Default Re: Muse died so why was Xara silent

    How did this Thread got hijacked?

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Muse died so why was Xara silent

    Quote Originally Posted by behzad View Post
    How did this Thread got hijacked?
    It happens.

    Click the black bang triangle below the first off-topic Post and ask a kind Mod to create a new Thread to as both strands are useful.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  8. #18
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    La Malbaie, Canada

    Default Re: Muse died so why was Xara silent

    I agree, a second thread would be good.

    See post 2, mine.

    The original topic was a lament of Xara/Magix not taking advantage of marketing opportunities to get new users. See the last paragraph about Xara and Magix failing to market the use of Xara with the movie editors and that they work together. Each product should be marketing the other. onle picked up on this and asked how they worked together, and that is how we got off-topic.

    More users = more money and, hopefully, more money for program development.
    John CB
    Xara DPX(

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Apr 2013
    Mississippi, USA

    Default Re: Muse died so why was Xara silent

    Quote Originally Posted by behzad View Post
    How did this Thread got hijacked?
    Sorry. But, I learned that my 2 pieces of software will play together. I am quite ecstatic. I envision some light night highly caffinated experimenting.

    As per the original thread; Xara, please don't leave us behind. Please make me feel like that subscription fee I pay is really worth it. And maybe listen to the compalaints here and take note that just because you said everything is alright 6 months ago doesn't mean your customers believe it. If things really are all right then YOU XARA just might be doing a bad job of communicating that message.





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