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  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Rutland England

    Default Re: Importing Word Table and linking a word in a cell

    Hi Egg and Acorn, many thanks for that, appreciated. I'm out and about quite a lot so that is why my attempts are a bit disjointed.
    This is where I'm up to. I have an excel sheet of about 150 rows and 6 columns. I copy this and paste it into a blank word document. I orientate it to Landscape and extend some of the columns and try to match the width of WD page so I do not have to extend it in WD because that does not appear to work very well. I then "import" the word document into WD. The layout is quite acceptable and I can then link individual words to pages and it works well.
    The problem I have at the moment is that WD will only import about 30 lines, which I assume is about one page of the word document. Going into "Custom" page size in word has a limited size and does not cover all rows.
    Two things, am I taking the correct approach and any help on the import size. Many thanks Terry

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Info Re: Importing Word Table and linking a word in a cell

    Terry, I have created an Excel sheet with 6 columns and 150 rows with a header row.

    I copied from Excel and in Xara, I used Paste > Paste > Rich Text Format.

    Font, size, alignment, padding all came across into an A4 page, a page with a single column and also a web page.
    All extended beyond the height and width of the page. I changed that to 30 cm W x 120 cm H.
    What didn't come across was any cell background colour; easy to add in Xara.

    All the rows come in as 151 groups.
    Double-clicking a row opens the group into an edit Inside view.
    There I added any number of hyperlinks.

    As sets of rows are selectable, it is easy to split the table up as you see fit and add a repeating header if needed.

    Source Excel and Xara output attached: 151by6.zip

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Rutland England

    Default Re: Importing Word Table and linking a word in a cell

    Acorn Sounds a far better way than what I'm doing. Will attempt later today, thanks for your efforts. Terry

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Rutland England

    Default Re: Importing Word Table and linking a word in a cell

    Acorn and Egg I have spent some hours working through your suggestions and have to a degree been partially successful but I have problems in positioning and getting the table to look how I want it. Much of our work on the site is putting up linked tables sent in by committee members on a daily basis and the the time spent in adjusting each table by either myself and others is not acceptable. It with regret that I have concluded that we will not be continuing using Xara. It has all the graphic design features that I wanted but importing/pasting tables is too complex.
    Your assistance has been outstanding and I cannot thank you enough, good luck to you both. Best Regards Terry

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Importing Word Table and linking a word in a cell

    Quote Originally Posted by golfertel View Post
    Acorn and Egg I have spent some hours working through your suggestions and have to a degree been partially successful but I have problems in positioning and getting the table to look how I want it. Much of our work on the site is putting up linked tables sent in by committee members on a daily basis and the the time spent in adjusting each table by either myself and others is not acceptable. It with regret that I have concluded that we will not be continuing using Xara. It has all the graphic design features that I wanted but importing/pasting tables is too complex.
    Your assistance has been outstanding and I cannot thank you enough, good luck to you both. Best Regards Terry
    Terry, sorry to hear but as your requirement has unfolded, there are other possibilities you might consider.

    Keeping the tables in GoogleDocs and adding them as Placholders will not alter the layout.
    If you are all using MS Excel, you can export sheets as web pages. Not my favourite but doable.
    Also if layout, text, colouring and links are all essential, them export as PDF and work that way.

    I will be interested in your final solution.

    Acorn - installed Xara software: Cloud+/Pro+ and most others back through time (to CC's Artworks). Contact for technical remediation/consultancy for your web designs.
    When we provide assistance, your responses are valuable as they benefit the community. TG Nuggets you might like. Report faults: Xara Cloud+/Pro+/Magix Legacy; Xara KB & Chat

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Importing Word Table and linking a word in a cell

    Tel, I'm very sorry to hear that you are considering abandoning Xara due to it's lack of table support.

    Just give me one more chance to suggest my route of using Google Sheets to create dynamic tables.

    1: You can import a MS xls spreadsheets into Google Drive.

    2: You can publish them as Google Drive webpages

    3: You can link to these Google webpages using Placeholders

    4: You're committee members can amend these spreadsheets without opening any Xara files which update the website content within minutes

    5: If required you can publish linked spreadsheets

    6: You're no longer needing to adjust/amend imported tables within the Xara files and republish.

    Here's a video of using my table insertion in practice. The video is 17 minutes but that's partly due to the video creation. I can insert a DYNAMIC table within a placeholder within 10 minutes which I never need to open Xara again to edit.

    Please feel free to use the Edit button to amend the spreadsheets content, just remember it takes a few minutes to show changes


    Minis Forum UM780XTX AMD Ryzen7 7840HS with AMD Radeon 780M Graphics + 32 GB Ram + MSI Optix Mag321 Curv monitor
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  7. #17
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Importing Word Table and linking a word in a cell

    Here is the text required to be appended to the Google Drive html ifame, between headers=false" & the closing >

    width=1025 height=5000 scrolling=no frameborder=0 marginheight=0 marginwidth=0
    I also forgot the page link:

    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by Egg Bramhill; 18 March 2018 at 12:47 PM.

    Minis Forum UM780XTX AMD Ryzen7 7840HS with AMD Radeon 780M Graphics + 32 GB Ram + MSI Optix Mag321 Curv monitor
    + 1Tb SSD + 232 GB SSD + 250 GB SSD portable drive + ISP = BT + Web Hosting = TSO Host

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Rutland England

    Default Re: Importing Word Table and linking a word in a cell

    Hi Both Once again thanks for your efforts. Not ignoring your suggestions, give me a couple of days to try out your proposals. Terry

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2007
    Brockville, Ontario, Canada.

    Default Re: Importing Word Table and linking a word in a cell

    it seems like Egg's solution may be perfect for your requirements golfertel.
    There are 10 types of people in this world .... Those who understand binary, and those who don't.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Feb 2017
    Rutland England

    Default Re: Importing Word Table and linking a word in a cell

    Hi both. My last reply did not seem to register so this is a resend. I will be frank, I have been looking at a number of designer apps and I was surprised that all suffered from the same problem, cannot import Word or Excel files whereas Xara will import Word docs. Having used Dreamweaver CS3 which will specifically import Word and Excel docs I have been spoilt. However graphics are not good and we are not prepared to pay current annual price of Dreamweaver. You have seriously made me reconsider Xara, thank you. I feel I have three options to inserting the excel docs.
    1. Consider what Egg has suggested using Google docs, the video was great thanks for your patient efforts. However whilst the end result is good I found it very complex and would take considerable time in the number of documents we deal with.

    2. Use the copy and paste as suggested by Acorn which I was surprised is editable and can have hyperlinks. Downside we loose all formatting such as colours and padding. But it works. Well it does now using Rich Text Format, wasn't doing that before.

    3. Convert Excel into word Table and then "Import" it retains all formatting but takes a little time as it does not capture whole table and you have to take a second bite at it to capture complete Table.

    Out of 2 and 3 I have problems in placing it in Xara, some advice required on that please.
    You have both put a great effort in solving the problem, it is appreciated. Unless you come up with any else I will let you know how things go. Out of interest the page that requires links to chosen competitions, the site is still being constructed by me. Terry
    Link http://rutlandcountyseniors.com/events%20diary.htm
    Last edited by golfertel; 18 March 2018 at 10:02 PM. Reason: Forgot entry




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