Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
Well yes and no. If this were an option at shut down, perhaps, e.g. [ x ] Save last 20 undos. But one of the things that happens when you shut down is the program memory is cleared out so next time you start clean.
You can kind of do this using File > Open Recent > Backups. Each backup represents about 10 minutes work.
Xara quotes in http://www.xara.com/uk/designer-pro/features/:
Infinite Undo / Redo
Being able to change what you have done is vital in a graphics package. Xara Designer Pro allows unlimited undo, making experimentation easy.
This is in direct conflict to saving your work frequently.

No number of backups afford this feature once you have saved the design file. All you have is a design file snapshot with no memory of how it got to where it is.

The only way I have gotten around this is to keep the design file open (always) and clone the latest backup to the name closest to the design file name so I always have the latest version and a true "Infinite Undo" - subject to Terms and Conditions and the amount of memory you have available...

Saving this Undo/Redo information is trivial and minimal in extent.
