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  1. #21
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Image and text skewing / distorting megathread

    Rob - Maybe this is the answer. Designer Pro X is marketed as a "professional" design program. And it is. The market for this product is people who want and need more high end tools features. It is insulting to users of this product that Xara thinks they might accidentally do something to text that will not work in HTML. Treat us like professionals.

    If Xara want to help new users then make these changes to Photo & Graphic Designer which is more entry level.

    As a rule good designers to not distort type. But good designers also do not follow rules. There are cases where a font that is slightly condensed or slight extended looks better with the design. Designers must make those decisions.

    If Xara wants to save us from ourselves, then rather than take away a feature or action, flag this with the same kind of warning we get when we use a non-standard font for a website.
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  2. #22
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Image and text skewing / distorting megathread

    what you say makes some sense Gary - except the bit about the flag - unless that can be supressed in registry or otherwise.. because for me the whole point is speed and ease - having to move to yet another tool, use both hands, and risk unwanted distortion on the other axis, is just tying one hand behind the back [and what faith can we have that this fill tool option itself will persist?] - in making something 'safe' for one set, another set of users has to put up with 'unsafe' - ludicrous

    stick with 12 or use another program

  3. #23

    Default Re: Image and text skewing / distorting megathread

    Quote Originally Posted by Rob-Xar View Post
    Because I'm trying to convince those who make the decisions that this is important to have and they would like to see some real examples of this. Saying this is just how something should be isn't going to change anything unfortunately.
    I'll repeat what I wrote to Kate in another thread...

    When Xara thinks it knows better than the people using their software, that should be the first clue you are doing something wrong.
    And I mean it. If the PTB have to be convinced that what we do or want to do is "not the way it should be done," then get rid of the PTB and bring in someone with the vision to propel Xara products forward into the 21st century...because it is regressing backwards when it should be moving forwards.

    What's next? Limiting fonts to only the dozen web-safe fonts? Not that it would affect me but that would kill any usage of the thing for web work. But as long as you (Xara) are trying to make the application idiot proof, I can come up with a dozen or more ways to try (in the end, that is a fool's errand, though).

    I like Gary's thought of a warning as long as it only affects publishing to the web.

  4. #24

    Default Re: Image and text skewing / distorting megathread


    ALL Professional layout applications have the ability to set horizontal and vertical scaling of type, typically even within the paragraph and/or character style sheets, aside from on the fly local formatting. In fact, this is typically part of the justification settings in a style, aside from a separate setting.

    It is just mind-boggling to think that Xara removed this from a vector design application.

    Why not actually learn how design works and how your products actually are used by consulting people in the field rather than sit in a mansion dreaming this crap up?

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Image and text skewing / distorting megathread

    +1 Mike

    At the very least, it would have been wise to float this idea in the beta forum to get feedback before arbitrarily making this decision.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Image and text skewing / distorting megathread

    Going from Non-Destructieve Editing to Self-Destructive Management; The Story behind the Decline and Fall of a once-great Company.

    Management has lost touch with its client base and is clearly looking down on it while pursuing airy objectives from its ivory tower.

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    London, England

    Default Re: Image and text skewing / distorting megathread

    Come on guys, Rob asked you in a positive manner for some feedback on use cases, he didn't declare war! Does anyone have some additional examples?

    Kate Moir

  8. #28
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: Image and text skewing / distorting megathread

    Kate, I don't know if I'm included in your reply but I was talking about the powers that be and not Rob or the other helpful devs.

    Was I off-topic? Yes. Did I use my update service to 'upgrade' to XDP 15? No. Will I soon? No. Do I like XDP 12? Yes. Am I hoping for some value for money? Yes. Am I getting value for the recently raised, uncalled for and ridiculously high update service fee? No.

    Am I happy about the direction Xara is taking? No. Do you like how management is dealing and communicating with the client base at TG, including its star performers who display such high levels of dedication and service? No. Am I tired of hearing all sorts of excuses, broken promises and obfuscations from management? Yes. Do you expect management will get the picture any time soon? No.

  9. #29
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Image and text skewing / distorting megathread

    kate you don't need examples if you understand - you don't do you IT'S NOT ROCKET SCIENCE it's common sense to anyone who uses the program in the real world

  10. #30
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Image and text skewing / distorting megathread

    I know this 'lets have examples' crap - it means you are wrong footed and you need a fig-leaf - stuff that - FIX IT




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