Thank you Jon and Daniel,

if it weren't you and the others, we would not even know about the show, the price, THE DATE.

I can't understand why Xara is doing such a shitty marketing for years. There is no info on their site marking the exhibition. Nada.

I mean, would it be asking too much from them to put in a small note for everbody ??
How can they have smart guys to program SUCH A PIECE of software, and on the other hand do not talk about it ??

If I weren't a Xara-user since the very first days and if I would not really enjoy using Xara daily - I never would be waiting for them idiots (sorry) to get moving.

And what will happen next ??
They will release XX eventually and then fall asleep again for the next two years ??
Can they make a living, just by us diehard fans ??

Yes of course I will be amongst the first to order ...
