Quote Originally Posted by SharonsFlorida View Post
It has become painfully apparent that Xara is not meant for content heavy sites. Thinking that it was my pc my husband installed a ssd and there has been no improvement in the use of this software. Every article I try to add bogs the software down even more. I have dozens of pages ready to add, but can't even edit an existing page so won't try to add more.

When I try to backspace a four letter word to replace it with another the cursor ghosts and I have no idea where it will end up.

Sure ... publishing 'shouldn't' be an issue ... unless you have tons of content that this program can't handle.

I downloaded the trial version of Pro today thinking it would be better, but as soon as I opened my site the same problems were created. It worked fine as long as all I had open was the two page getting started info from Xara.

Xara offers zero customer support which in and of itself is bad business. The support site and knowledge base have zero information on any problem I'm having ... I've wasted hours searching there and the web ... and now here. Every video tutorial I've found only shows editing one or two pages of a new site ... I've never seen a tutorial using a functional site and now I know why. I think Xara is more than aware that their software can't handle much and they refuse to admit it for fear of losing customers. I'm moving on to find different software so I can actually work on my site.
Sorry for your experience but i have sites of 50+ pages and as a trial created a text one of 750 pages and could edit easily on any page.

Before you jump, people sometimes download and open with lots of other applications already open through a firewall and as a result many DLLs are blocked or cannot update.
Raise a ticket with Xara describing your problems and system set up.
