Quote Originally Posted by DesignerRants View Post
This happened to me. I have text grouped with other text & shapes, or text with drop shadows, and upon saving the .xar and reopening, the text was all converted to shapes and could no longer be edited!
Very annoyed, as some of the text had 4-color fills and whatnot, but the person realized they gave me the wrong phone number or details and I cannot go back and edit any of it, have to recreate from scratch!
Is there a setting I need to change, or do I just have to be super careful from now on and always preserve special "copy layers" of every text item, then hide them and be extremely cautious about not styling them, lest I happen to group text with other elements and lose all editability? Seems a real glitch to me!
(BTW, I'm not in the habit of ending every sentence with exclamation points, but this is ridiculous)
Windows10, Xara Designer X 64
When I hit a snag like this, I go back to my backups and examine them using a binary search pattern to uncover where the permanent change occurs.

Doing so doesn't tell me what I, or the program, may have done, but I have the satisfaction being able to recover from a problem more efficiently.
I do also store off versions if it is a big project; I have been screwed over so many times with Microsoft that it is second nature.
