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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Unhappy Wondering how to make a bunch of boxes beside each other


    I'm new here and I'm testing out the trial version of Xara Photo & Graphic Designer 365 to possibly buy.

    I am trying to draw a bunch of boxes beside each other, (grid sheet)

    I tried drawing a box on one side, and one on the other, then using the blend tool to attach each one ,
    but it won't put them side by side and tends to leave some gaps in some and overlaps in others when I adjust the box called steps ...

    Is there an easy way to make a grid sheet ? I don't want to use the copy and past method as it takes so long.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Wondering how to make a bunch of boxes beside each other

    Because there is no grid tool, and when I need basically graph paper, I use this place and open the resulting PDF. Dunno if it will work for what you are doing or not.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    North Tawton, UK

    Default Re: Wondering how to make a bunch of boxes beside each other

    Here's one way (there are loads of others):
    * Make sure "Snap to objects" is turned on (on the standard button bar)
    * Make sure "Scale line widths" is turned off (on the selector tool infobar)
    * Draw a box
    * In the Selector tool, Drag it and when it snaps into position alongside the outline of the original, click the right mouse button to drop a copy

    You can either drop all the copies you need one by one, snapped next to each other, or:
    * Drop, say, just 3 copies to start with
    * Select the first box and the 3 copies (4 in all)
    * Drag those until they snap into position alongside the original 4 and right-click to drop copies of all 4
    * Then select all 8 and repeat, etc.

    This very quickly creates lots of boxes with few clicks.

    If you are creating a 2 dimensional grid, then select a whole row, drag that to snap into place below the original position and right-click to drop a copy, etc, etc...


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Default Re: Wondering how to make a bunch of boxes beside each other

    Wonderful !! Thanks to you both for sending ideas . The suggestion with the snap to objects works perfect ! Thanks so much

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Wondering how to make a bunch of boxes beside each other

    Welcome to TalkGraphics.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2017

    Default Re: Wondering how to make a bunch of boxes beside each other

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    Welcome to TalkGraphics.
    Thank You !

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Wondering how to make a bunch of boxes beside each other

    The way I would do this is to create a square, let's say 25 x 25 pixels. Then I set the X Duplication Distance (Page Options > General) to 25px and the Y to 0px and make enough duplicates for a row.

    Then I change the Y Duplication Distance to -25px and the X Duplication to 0px, select the row of boxes and make enough duplicates for the columns.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Apr 2012
    SW England

    Default Re: Wondering how to make a bunch of boxes beside each other

    Create your fist box to exact pixel dimensions.
    Ensure it has a 0pt line width.
    Set its (X, Y) co-ordinates to an exact pixel position.
    Using Snap to Objects, right-click, drag and snap to the next horizontal adjacent position and left-click to drop a clone, keeping the right mouse button down all the time. Repeat to build a line.
    Select a line of boxes and repeat the above down the page.

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