Well, your is the first post in two years, but I started the thread, so I might as well chip in here.

Sculptris is still available for free here, and because this download is titled "Alpha 6", I think it's safe to say that Pixelogic decided to abandon parallel development with their flagship, ZBrush. Pixelogic did some UI tweaking, and added a format called GOE or something that allows Sculptris files to be worked with in ZBrush, which they hope you'll eventually buy.

Now, when you sign up for the free download (no strings except you tender an email address), you can opt out of the sales emails. I don't know what anyone else does, but for friendly but nagging email, I use a Google account as a burner account. Company emails don't make it to my door.

I also recommend one of the best free spam blockers around, been using it ever since Cloudmark got greedy and dropped their free version. Which is not only dumb for window-browsing currency, but users of any account help them define a wide spam base every time you report that letter from Nigeria thing. :)

It's called Mail Washer Free, very robust and catches 90% of my spam, and I don't see them killing off the free version. There's a prompt, not really a full-blown nag, every once in a while, not a problem.

I hope this helps anyone who wants to move up from primitives and Booleans to actual 3D sculpting in a capable, free program that can export beautifully to our coin of the realm OBJ.

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