
Is there a fix for this scaling problem yet?

- I am trialling Xara Xara Designer Pro X (" DL x64 Apr 25 2017")
- I have a 4K screeen that I am running at "200%" scaling at the Windows (v10, x64) level.

It seems that my choices are:

1) by default, everything is slightly blurred. i.e. All the text boxes in the application AND the Xara file itself, everything is blurred (pixelated)

2) Tick "Override high scaling DPI behaviour. Scaling performed by:" Application
==> This makes Xara file sharp, but the text boxes in the Xara application itself doesn't fit and is unreadable

3) Tick "Override high scaling DPI behaviour. Scaling performed by:" System
==> This makes everything blurred (both the Xara text boxes and the Xara file are blurred)

4) 3) Tick "Override high scaling DPI behaviour. Scaling performed by:" System (enhanced)
==> This makes everything sharp... BUT Xara gets confused about how large objects are and everything starts to break.
(e.g. if you click on an object to select it, the selection area is 4x the area of the object that is supposed to be selected... i.e. it's all a complete mess.

Is there a fix for this problem yet?

I own a copy of Xara DP v10. And I certainly won't be upgrading until this problem is fixed.
