Seeing some of the complaints of Xara, I'll play devil's advocate and say your only options are two other vector graphics programs which are SLOOOOOOOOOOOW and FULL OF MENU BLOAT AND GIMMICKS.

The only reasonable request I've seen, imo, has been to group Open Type fonts properly instead of listing them out as all individual fonts of the same family. That said, whatever speed gains you get in the other programs to have those features, you immediately lose through their poor design and slow rendering engines. I know because I know Inkscape and Illusrator inside out and I cannot tell you how frustrating it is to do very simple manipulations of graphics in those programs, down to having to wait 5 seconds for a zoom to happen, which occurs instaneously on this same system in Xara. Those things add up a lot quicker than having an OpenType group appear in the font selection window, for instance.

I don't want to make it sound like i'm minimizing everyone's issues, but again, even with these issues, Xara still gets things done faster and more friendly than literally anything else on the market that's respected, and really makes everything else that not widely accepted look like a toy by a comparison.

Xara isn't perfect, but it's 75% closer to perfection than anything else out there, and adding more features to the vector editing wouldn't increase productivity, it would increase bloat and feature creep, which definitely would kill the product from ever reaching it's true potential. There's power in simplicity and weakness in menu diving. Seeing Xara introduce menu diving as of late has me worried.