I bought it July 2015... so, I don't get a free upgrade...

Normally, when a new version comes out I just buy it without even thinking. I've been doing that since Xara 2.0. The last few updates just seem to add a few more items that I don't really use anyway.

I tend to do my clients websites using Wordpress so it is easier to update from any computer and the client can maintain their own site. I know Xara has a online editor now (kinda) but I'm not super impressed with it.

So, I have just held off on buying the X365 version.

I also think it is a bit goofy they are selling it on two different sites at two different prices - but, whatever.

So, I'll probably keep waiting to upgrade... the X11 is working fine for what I'm using it for (doing graphics and logos for wordpress sites).