
I wasn't sure whether WSCRIPT was in memory before or only after running Speed Disk, i.e. whether it was part of the Speed Disk process. If it's part of Speed Disk and you shut it down while Speed Disk is running, it may only appear to have solved the problem. WSCRIPT doesn't do anything on its own - it's invoked by another program to run a script. That other program could be Speed Disk, Quicken or something else that you haven't mentioned. If you can be bothered, try shutting down just one program at a time to find the rogue.

I use real DOS when I want to be certain about what's happening, such as when fixing low level problems. I also keep a variety of DOS utilities that duplicate Windows programs so that I can work and / or recover a Windows failure. I have a number of DOS CAD programs that work much faster than their Windows equivalents, so I have no intention of 'upgrading' them. I've found no great need for additional features, so I continue to use MS Works 2 for my spreadsheet requirements, even though I have Excel and Lotus 123.

Regards - Sean