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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012
    Sydney Hills District, Australia.

    Default Web Designer 365 Premium - NEARLY PERFECT!

    Web Designer has come SUCH a long way, and in my mind, it almost perfect!

    There are, however, just a few features it sorely needs:-

    1) Stretchy image slider - I want an image slider that works exactly like how adding an stretchy image works, but for a slide show. An easy-to-use WOW Slider clone would be good...
    2) Stretchy video - Call me greedy, but I also want the same for video. YouTube, Vimeo, HTML5 - I don't mind! Check out this cool video slider here https://transferwise.com/au/ - You get one, silent video until you press the play button.
    3) Shrinking top menu bar. We got Sticky! That's great! Now, to finish it off, make it dual-state sticky. A bit bigger when at the top of the page, shrinks a bit when you scroll down.

    Thoughts, anyone?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Web Designer 365 Premium - NEARLY PERFECT!

    Probably should post this in Dear Xara Ian since these are feature requests.



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