Ron Duke had made an ambiguous comment about "mesh" over here on this thread, and almost as if it were magic, 40,000 members posted with the same mislead conclusion I myself had. That Ron wanted to know about modeling...when actually the mesh he was referring to was the Color Mesh filter you use instead of a gradient tool in Illustrator.
But that spawned a thought in Mike Bailey's head: The 3D Graphics area isn't in hibernation—modeling folks just need a central place to gather that's of interest.
So how about this: we hold a semi-regular theme based Competition right here (or wherever the Mode prefers)?
I've got two ideas right from the start for a Competition theme. I think any modeler/renderer should be qualified, and perhaps if in the future a theme is broad enough, we should encourage animations.
1. Create a play on words. Take a phrase and make it literal. How about a "housefly"? Or a "fruitfly"? Or a "treehouse"? Gere, I've done a poor job of creating a literal pun from the word "Cowgirl."
You get the idea? If not, ask Igor.
2. Create artwork for a music album. I come from a time before fire was invented, and music was written to round pieces of vinyl, which came in there spectacularly decorated 13" square pieces of printed cardboard, taped together.
Then there was the Music CD jewel case insert, and although these guys measured only 4¾" square, they could still be breathtaking in their cover art work.
So I sort of miss this type of illustrative artwork, and very few of the millions of collections took advantage of 3D art because the "music album cover" imploded as an Art form in about 1980, before the invention of the Mac Classic.
That was a joke. Sort of.
This was a past project I had on hand, and it's not a good example of my proposed competition, but it works, doesn't it? I use Xara Designer a lot to put the finishing touches on a rendered 3D idea.
C & C?
My Best,