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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Default Any non-boring resources out there for learning about fonts/typography?

    I would like to know a little more about fonts or typography. I'm creating an ebook cover and I have no idea what fonts to use. I can pick one that I think looks okay, but I really have no idea if it's an appropriate option for the topic or not. And then when I add a subtitle to my title I don't know what font to use with the title font.

    I've also trying to create blog post images with text on them as well as website headers and I feel absolutely clueless when it comes to picking the right font. I feel like if I knew more about typography and graphic arts (but that's another topic), it could raise the quality of my graphic creations.

    Is there somewhere online or in a book where you can learn this stuff inexpensively in a fun non-boring way. I say that because I've looked into some of the books at Amazon on typography, and they look like extremely boring reads. I think a good book on typography should show lots of actual examples of each font that it's talking about. All the books I looked at didn't show that many examples and they rambled on and on about the history and the creators of the font. I find all of that boring.

    I just want a resource that can explain to me the differences in the fonts. I want it to show plenty of examples, and talk about when you would use each font and when not to. What fonts look good with other fonts - that you can use together. I picture the perfect book in my mind - It covers all the main fonts for sure. Maybe you could search the index for a specific topic and it would give you a page number. Then you go to that page and it talks about all the different fonts that would make good choices for font text for that particular topic and why. And it would show several real life examples. And it would go on to list other fonts that would look good in combination with that font. That would make a good non-boring book on fonts/typography. Is there anything like that out there?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Any non-boring resources out there for learning about fonts/typography?

    Have a look here http://www.printmag.com/design-inspi...t-book-covers/

    Basically, I try not to let the typography get in the way. There are some times when the type becomes the illustration, and in this case a decorative font is OK. But for the most part, pick a font that is readable and that is not going to call attention to itself.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Any non-boring resources out there for learning about fonts/typography?

    Fontsinuse.com is a good resource. Look at the books section. I prefer to use the approach of seeing what has been done--well done examples--than most other approaches. I also spend time at local book stores especially when needing specific inspiration for something I haven't done in the past.

    I spend time looking not for the specific fonts per se. More the mood they invoke given the subject of the books.





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