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  1. #1

    Default Slider for Wordpress


    I write as an unexperienced web designer. I make my first website and chosed Wordpress as a platform. Can anyone recommend me some free slider plugin?
    There is so many and I do not have enough experience to choose the right, There is no time for experiments.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Default Re: Slider for Wordpress

    You should try the free Wordpress slider from PixelEmu.
    Last edited by Gare; 01 December 2015 at 12:57 PM. Reason: No external links on first member post

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Liverpool, N.Y.

    Default Re: Slider for Wordpress

    Hi webin1 and Juniormark, and welcome to TalkGraphics—

    Please excuse my brusqueness, but that's the way we Moderators sometimes reply to threads

    I've deleted webin1's external link; please read our rules in the agreement you signed when you became a member. TalkGraphics does not allow links on a new member's first post.

    I've noted that neither of you use any Xara software, so your posts are fine in this Site Publishing (non-Xara) area, but will you two help build our community by asking inclusive instead of exclusive questions in the future? It's a little off-putting to join a forum that is sponsored by Xara (although we clearly have non-Xara areas), and bang, right out of the starting gate, you're directing a discussion to a personal problem that has nothing to do with out forum.

    There are lots of other forums where you can get high-quality WordPress info, aren't there?

    Just askin',




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