Derek, if you have a text line with it repeated as a rollover on the MouseOver layer then this will report back with two H1s, e.g.:
<div class="xr_ap xr_xri_" style="width: 960px; height: 1000px;">
<div class="Heading_1" style="position: absolute; left:55px; top:141px; width:235px; height:10px;">
<h1 class="xr_tl Heading_1" style="top: -21.73px;margin:0;"><a href="#" onclick="return(xr_nn());" onmousemove="xr_mo(this,0)" ><span class="Heading_1" style="">cupidatat tempor<span class="xr_e1"> <div class="Heading_1 xr_ro xr_ro0 xr_tt3" style="position: absolute; left:0px; top:22px; width:235px; height:10px;color:#7FFF81;">
<h1 class="xr_tl Heading_1" style="top: -21.73px;color:#7FFF81;margin:0;">cupidatat tempor</h1>
Other than this, I can only speculate that you have left a fragment of a text line with an H1 tag.

Either upload the xara file or the resulting source code so someone can have a look for you.

Again, SEO is common sense; Google does not trawl around punishing sites for such transgressions. On the other hand SEO tool vendors have a living to make.
Overusing H1 tags. Correctly structuring content helps with SEO. The H1 tag helps Google to understand what the page is about. Excessive H1 tags could be seen as an attempt to pump Google’s listing with keywords.
If there is a fault with your page, I'm sure we can correct it.
