This is my third attempt in two days to reply to the posters above. Previous submissions brought the notification that moderators approval would be required to complete the post. Original response follows, but without the attached pic.

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To — gwpriester

Thank you all for taking the time to reply and for the kind welcome.

I am grateful for the links to the tutorial and video because they clearly depict the 'Button Palette', an important object thinly described and not illustrated in Xara's PDF Help (p. 583).

In the event, the Key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Xara\XtremePro x64\10\BarsNormal

does register Xara's default and custom Control Bars, their position and content

Evidently this Key:

HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Xara\XtremePro x64\10\BarsFull

extends registration to the Control Bars displayed in Full Screen mode.

Having an Export = backup / copy of these Keys at various stages of experimentation with Xara's interface is good insurance, reference, and, as it turns out, facilitates porting a customized layout to a second Xara installation. Because the placement of multiple Control bars in the 'wasted' space of the interface's Title Bar — with which I am experimenting — is somewhat delicate (see attached screen-shot), this facility is particularly welcome.

Much appreciated and good wishes to all!