Quote Originally Posted by Psaumure View Post
Gare. You are a World Class artist and I'm trying to make you uncomfortable and a little unhappy with the art you submitted... Back at you my friend.
You don't need to try, Paul. To sound a little like Yoda, all you have to do is...do.

You're the second person in two days who has written about my art talents. Boy, are both of you wrong!

I'm a good teacher. I'm a fair-to-middling artist, film editor, musician, ya-da-da. A now famous film director, who I worked with on his first film, said in front a bunch of production people, "Gary is a Jack of All Trades and a mediocre Master of All Trades."

He meant it as a compliment and I took it as such. If I were really focused starting in my 20s, my "career" would have been something else, perhaps more well-rooted in one thing.

But it would have been boring!

And we never would have met, I fear!

My Best,


P.S. That is one heck of a splash screen. They really should use it for version 11.