Quote Originally Posted by angelize View Post
That's just two scenarios off the top of my head, and remember this is in it's infancy I could see it being not just a web design tool. Perhaps when DP11 comes out they'll add some vector editing features, and the ability to create a new document in the cloud would be nice.

my case #1 is something I would use it for. I can see once they fix a few things and add a few more features it being a great on the road sales tool
Case #1 I would take my laptop and make any and all changes necessary. If I were to do such a thing. While I do take my laptop, it generally is only broke out between meetings at a coffee shop wherein I work on projects. I never make live changes at a client's place.

I could give a hoot about using a browser for live changes to an otherwise desktop application's files. I fail to see the point whether it is Xara, Adobe or whoever. In fact, if anything, the whole thing potentially irks me. Whatever resources--time and money--went into this could have perhaps been spent on actually making the applications better.
