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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Making a symmetrical pattern.

    Im trying to make an object with symmetrical triangular shapes on the sides of an hexagon.


    I want the black shapes to have the point on all them going through exact center. I know the side with the point is not equilateral either. What would be the easiest way to accomplish this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Making a symmetrical pattern.

    Welcome to TalkGraphics

    Your post was moderated because of your link. New members are not permitted links but as your link was appropriate to your question I have left it.

    You can make the hexagon with the Quickshapes Tool. Double click on any of the corners to change the corner to round.

    Make one of the black shapes using the Shape Tool, then clone (Ctrl k) and rotate 30 degrees. Repeat for the other four shapes.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2015

    Default Re: Making a symmetrical pattern.

    I already have this shape in xara. The pic in the link was what I have already created. I am looking for a way to make all of the points have their centers lined up with the center of the hexagon, and I'm also having trouble making the pointed side of the black shapes have an equal length. I'm just have trouble cleaning up the objects so they are symmetrical and lined up correctly.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Making a symmetrical pattern.

    Quote Originally Posted by SirArnrus View Post
    I already have this shape in xara. The pic in the link was what I have already created. I am looking for a way to make all of the points have their centers lined up with the center of the hexagon, and I'm also having trouble making the pointed side of the black shapes have an equal length. I'm just have trouble cleaning up the objects so they are symmetrical and lined up correctly.
    1. Create the hexagon making sure the bottom is perfectly horizontal, then drag a vertical guideline right to the middle of the hexagon
    2. Create a rectangle the height and width you need and align it to the bottom of the hexagon and the center of the guideline
    3. Convert the rectangle to shapes and with the shape tool, create a control point on the top of it (it should be centered on the guideline). Move it up to the height you need
    4. Select the shape and copy it.
    5. Select the shape and the hexagon and rotate them 60 degrees
    6. Select paste in place
    7. Select everything again and and rotate and paste in place until you have all six sides

    There might be an easier way, but this is what I could think of

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Harwich, Essex, England

    Default Re: Making a symmetrical pattern.

    This isn't a simple thing to create, mainly because quick shapes aren't symetrical, so some slight of hand is required. This is how I'd go about it. I use circles a lot in this type of contruction because everything can be easily centred and equally rotated.

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