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  1. #31
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Xara wants our opinion!

    I looked at the Xara survey (I didn't complete it). I only saw a single page which didn't seem to ask very much. The questions seemed pretty mundane to me so I don't see that it had that much value.

  2. #32

    Default Re: Xara wants our opinion!

    I personally think it is one of the dumbest surveys I have seen in a while. Even from what I can ascertain the target audience is. Hate to think it was Xara who created it. I want to believe it is Magix's marketing department.

  3. #33
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Liverpool, N.Y.

    Default Re: Xara wants our opinion!

    Quote Originally Posted by pauland View Post
    How do you feel about the number of different products being touted by Xara and Magix (specifically those derived from Xara) Gary?

    Is it perhaps time to amalgamate those? Maybe even just have three with the MAGIX branding but "powered by Xara technology"? Perhaps put out the consumer versions on the MAGIX brand only and keep the flagship product with the Xara brand?
    I love your last idea, "Powered by Xara Technology", in 18 point type, Gotham Black. This somewhat goofy remake of xara.com, with all the animated boinging struff when you hover, misses the point of sales and clear product distinction entirely. My feeling is that you could split, simplify, and clarify Magix's offerings by:

    1. purpose. You have art software, dtp software, web software, and music software.

    2. Level of difficulty; to put it brusquely, you have Professional software, and you have "Enthusiast" (that's a popular buzzword today) software.

    3. A Xara product and a not-Xara product.

    I'd love to extend this discussion because it does directly related to that survey.

    Moreover, Mike W.? How would we (anyone interested) feel about redoing the survey, intelligently, no snarkiness, an earnest poll that would benefit Magix's approach to sales. Because I like you, feel as though there was a paucity of usable data listed on the survey.

    I'm game and have already started. And I'm keeping sarcasm out of it because I want Magix to see what a real research and sales tool looks like to countries outside of Germany. I've written and taken enough surveys that I understand the structure and means to highlight the most important areas of data gathering.

    I, as much as anyone else who has some love for Xara Designer, have a vested interest in it continuing, and that means honesty and relevance in sales attitude.

    And you don't get that from Question #6: What is your favourite colour?

    Okay, that was snarky, but I'm keeping the self-conscious gibe out of my survey text.

    Anyone else want to play? Rik does have access to the poll stuff on this board.

    Last edited by Gare; 11 April 2015 at 06:13 PM. Reason: spelled "suvrey" incorrektly

  4. #34
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

    Default Re: Xara wants our opinion!

    well I perjured my soul and undertook the survey even though I have not, nor do I intend to, purchase ver 9 or 10 [did use trials of both] - survey didn't seem to mind; so score FA for why bother in the first place.. it means sod all at the end of the day if the participants are not verified as having purchased... or at all
    Nothing lasts forever...

  5. #35
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast BC, Canada. In a beautiful part of BC's temperate rainforest

    Default Re: Xara wants our opinion!

    Ok Ill Play First off I think they should use something called logic jumps so that answers to one question will lead the respondent on a different path through the survey. for example the first question could be are you a current user of Xara or Magic software with choices of yes I'm a current user or no I'm looking to buy.

    Depending on which answer is chosen the respondent will get either "do you own a Xara or Magix product" or "what would you need to use your software for " The xara /magix answer would then separate current users into Xara or Magix users and from there questions could be tailored to find out which product they used, whether they are satisfied with it or suggestions for improvement.

    The other looking to buy group would get questions tailored to ascertain what product would best suit their needs and what features are not present that they might need to make the choice to buy. They could be offered a free trial from within the survey.
    My current Xara software: Designer Pro 365 12.6

    Good Morning Sunshine.ca | Good Morning Sunshine Online(a weekly humorous publication created with XDP and exported as a web document) | Angelize Online resource shop | My Video Tutorials | My DropBox |
    Autocorrect: It can be your worst enema.

  6. #36

    Default Re: Xara wants our opinion!


    If I thought a community-written survey would be taken seriously by Xara/Magix, and led to its substantial use, I would take the time to help. But that would need a firm commitment, a statement by the powers that be informing us that it would indeed be fruitful. Else all that would be accomplish is for naught.

    Plus the fact that "design by committee" is rarely a worthwhile investment of time. Imagine all of us being involved in all aspects of next month's XX content. From the decision of what to do, how to do it, the art direction, the script, the ... It would be 6 months late at best.

    All that said, Frances' concept of logic in the survey is a great overall concept.

  7. #37
    Join Date
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    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Xara wants our opinion!

    I'd say that separating users according to Magix or Xara would be a mistake. It's just branding.

    What's important is what they use it for, what they'd like to use it for and how could it be made better for them.

    Why does it matter if they bought a Xara or Magix product? In some cases they are all but the same.

    I agree that the commitee thing just doesn't work. The cynic in me says that even thinking that the existing survey has much value, is not encouraging.

  8. #38
    Join Date
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    Ottawa, IL USA

    Default Re: Xara wants our opinion!

    Yeah, I only looked at the survey and didn't answer anything, but then I looked at this thread before I looked at the survey (I generally don't participate in surveys).

    I've been a user of Xara products since the first version of Xara MenuMaker (back when I was still doing some web design), and then I picked XaraX1, and been a Xara user ever since. I know Magix purchased Xara, but nothing Magix offers aside from Xara products even interest me - I don't play music, I don't do video editing (and if I did, I'd probably use Adobe Premier) so the branding of Xara and Magix will never fit in my head together. I'm a Xara customer, not really a Magix customer (so to speak).

    I know that the various mapping communities I belong, and the consistent questions to me on what software I use, I don't know how many, but I do know many I converse with are now usign XP&GD - I have the full program, but figure you don't really need the full program to do maps, XP&GD is just fine for that, so that's what I recommend to them.

    And as far as the discussion on Mac, I don't use a Mac, never have, all my equipment is Windows based. I even build some of my computers, something you can't really do with a Mac. Nothing against the product or company, but their advertising doesn't phase me, because I don't look - I don't own any Apple products (I don't and never have owned a cell phone...) So which graphics application is best with Mac is totally meaningless to me.

  9. #39
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Liverpool, N.Y.

    Default Re: Xara wants our opinion!

    I' had to go with majority rule here. Paul probably hit the nail most squarely on the head—self-created committees usually don't work. But if I gathered a committee and lead it, it would stand a better chance of working, because that's the way committees are started, with leaders and not volunteers.

    But I have neither the time nor the energy to do this, especially considering the cynic in Paul is probably right: members of TalkGraphics are very, very easy to ignore.

    Some free associations that come to mind before I close:

    • It takes two people to make a promise, but only one to break it.

    • If everyone in an organization doesn't work together, you have disorganization left.

    • 90% of a committee's work is done by 10% of the people.

    My Best,


  10. #40
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Xara wants our opinion!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gamerprinter View Post
    I'm a Xara customer, not really a Magix customer (so to speak).
    I'm not sure if that's absolutely true. AFAIK Magix now control the product set regardless of branding, with Xara staff doing the development. Someone will surely correct me if I'm wrong.

    which graphics application is best with Mac is totally meaningless to me.
    That's not something that's even been discussed here. I merely pointed out a number of low-cost applications that have emerged on the Mac because they indicate a trend: low-cost, very focussed apps that are all working in the space that Xara occupies. They may be on Mac now, but some will migrate to Windows. Xara doesn't exist in a bubble and if you were a Mac user you could be choosing between the Xara app and all those apps, all for a similar price collectively.

    One day soon Xara will be competing in a space that currently exists on Mac. It's not at all about what's the best Mac application.




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