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Thread: Music Project

  1. #1

    Default Music Project

    I was wondering if any of the forum members can suggest a way to promote a kickstarter project.
    I have a lot of instrumental tracks and I was suggested to go to kickstarter.com and start a project for a music CD. I would need to let everybody know about the project, but I don't frequent facebook, twitter or any of the social networks and I wasn't sure it would work too well as far as reaching an audience.

    Can somebody suggest a way to do it?
    The music genre is sort of classical, folkloric and/or new age (this is my own music, of course)

    Thank you
    Last edited by angelize; 01 April 2015 at 01:21 AM. Reason: removed commercial links

  2. #2

    Default Music Project

    I posted a question yesterday in the off-topic chat and I'm not sure if it was moderated and not approved or simply it didn't make it.

    Could one of the moderators let me know if maybe a link wasn't supposed to be there or perhaps the post just didn't make it...

    Thank you

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Music Project

    It is being questioned as it really is not graphically specific. Stay tuned.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Music Project

    Even in the 'Off-Topic' area do threads need to be graphics specific now?

  5. #5

    Default Re: Music Project

    Quote Originally Posted by steve.ledger View Post
    Even in the 'Off-Topic' area do threads need to be graphics specific now?
    Exactly what I was thinking about...

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast BC, Canada. In a beautiful part of BC's temperate rainforest

    Default Re: Music Project

    The thread is in moderation due to some links that are pending further discussions. The off topic area does not have to be graphics specific, but it is not an area for selling your wares
    My current Xara software: Designer Pro 365 12.6

    Good Morning Sunshine.ca | Good Morning Sunshine Online(a weekly humorous publication created with XDP and exported as a web document) | Angelize Online resource shop | My Video Tutorials | My DropBox |
    Autocorrect: It can be your worst enema.

  7. #7

    Default Re: Music Project

    Quote Originally Posted by angelize View Post
    The thread is in moderation due to some links that are pending further discussions. The off topic area does not have to be graphics specific, but it is not an area for selling your wares
    I see, if the link is what's holding it, can you just delete it?

  8. #8

    Default Re: Music Project

    Quote Originally Posted by angelize View Post
    The thread is in moderation due to some links that are pending further discussions. The off topic area does not have to be graphics specific, but it is not an area for selling your wares
    I see, yet your signature includes your 'Tutoring' link to sales[@]sunwings.info, or is your tutoring free?
    Some double-standards happening here.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Sunshine Coast BC, Canada. In a beautiful part of BC's temperate rainforest

    Default Re: Music Project

    OK I have edited the original post and removed the link in question and I have merged the two threads together. I apologize for the delay.
    My current Xara software: Designer Pro 365 12.6

    Good Morning Sunshine.ca | Good Morning Sunshine Online(a weekly humorous publication created with XDP and exported as a web document) | Angelize Online resource shop | My Video Tutorials | My DropBox |
    Autocorrect: It can be your worst enema.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: Music Project

    I know little about Kickstarter - I've sponsored a few projects there though.

    I came across most of those I sponsored simply by browsing or a kickstarter email.

    I don't frequent facebook, twitter or any of the social networks and I wasn't sure it would work too well as far as reaching an audience.

    I'd say this is a big mistake if you want public participation. What use is your CD if nobody wants to buy it? Who will buy it if they don't know about it?

    Kickstarter will give you an audience, but really it's wishful thinking that that audience will be enough.

    To be blunt, you should make up your mind and decide if you want this to happen or not and blast it (subtly, or not so subtly) from the rooftops to generate interest.

    It's not like "build it and they will come" (Field of Dreams), you need other people to come before you build it.

    I thought production/manufacturing costs were quite low these days? It's publicity and promotion that takes money, isn't it?

    Maybe your fundraising bar is low and easy to achieve?




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