I have been visiting Chris Dickmans web site since Corelnet, the only reason I visit this site is because of the internet-activity I can have with people from around the world. The interactivity and support provided by the general public and the volunteer moderators on i-us is the staple of its existence as far as I am concerned. The content related pages of i-us are an educational bonus for the visitors and indeed are an asset for i-us, I have no idea how much these pages cost you folks at Eyewire but it is the foundation on which the site you purchased is built, If you want to eliminate the traffic you get on this site then go ahead and remove the content and discussion forums, I would make an educated guess that the traffic would quickly become about .01% of what it is now. I assume you have a plan that would build it back up, care to speculate? Or is it that you just want to eliminate the best all around computer graphics content and support related site on the Internet. If the later is the case you will probably be doing me a favor as I will not be so compelled to visit on a daily basis and will have more time to do something else.