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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Default 1st Website opinions?

    OK after a lot of help from Talk graphics forums and guys like Acorn & gwpriester, I have at last a test of my first Xara website up, I still have lots to fix & decide, & I wondered if there was any other things I should look to finish it. It's responsive site with a mobile version does with Web Designer 10 Premium

    I have 2 pages Discography & Credits I have done, I need to keep the site to as few pages as possible but that means displaying over 200 album covers one one page, on Discography I did one huge gallery, while on Credits I did multiple galleries, I didn't put all the pics yet on the Credits page as it takes ages to put them in, I also experiment with the text being a funky wordle rather than plain text, but this is lot so graphics for one page so I'm not sure of that. I'm also unsure I need a contact page, or a form, I could add this somewhere on the front page.

    This is one with a fixed photo on the front page
    This is one with a video on the front (someone suggested a video would be better than a pic)

    Appreciate any criticism, help, idea's etc.. (apart from start again

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: 1st Website opinions?

    Your post was moderated because you are a new(ish) member and ytou have links. I have approved the topic.

    I much prefer the first design but both are very, very nice and very, very professional.

    After doing the discography page your eyes must have been dropping out of your head.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Default Re: 1st Website opinions?

    Quote Originally Posted by gwpriester View Post
    Your post was moderated because you are a new(ish) member and ytou have links. I have approved the topic.

    I much prefer the first design but both are very nice.

    After doing the discography page your eyes must have been dropping out of your head.
    lol thanks gwpriester, yea it took a while, thanks for all your patience & help. At least I know the program a lot better now

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Mar 2009

    Default Re: 1st Website opinions?

    I like the one with the picture better as well.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2000
    Bracknell, UK

    Default Re: 1st Website opinions?

    Really nice job - better than many I see and way better than my own placeholder!

    The home page has a tiny horizontal line next to your icon and depending on which version you look at, it's either there for no apparent reason, or it shows that the bottom of the right hand element doesn't line up with the top of the left hand element!

    The bottom of the biog page has a broken link.

    Personally I'm not a fan of the blurry grey lines on your icon, or the detached text shadow, but we're all different.

    The credits section has gone a bit manic for me. The top right white space looks like something should be there.

    The discography section - good job, my favourite part of the site. Personally I'd ditch the title above the album so the covers line up with your icon.

    The contact page has a vertical line between the icon and right element. I'm not sure that you need it given that none of the other pages have that.

    The grey of the lettering and the shadowed outlines of the contact form make it look a bit uncomfortable to look at to my eyes. I'd stick with black and no shadowed outlines.

    A lot of comments, but you should be really pleased with what you've done. You're a talented guy.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Default Re: 1st Website opinions?


    The links in the thread don't work for me, I assume that is because you have decided on the version to go for?

    I looked at the site at http://www.alanbranch.com - loved it, looked very professional and visually appealing.

    Dont want to be a pedant, but you may wish to review the spelling in your blog section and also along the bottom of your slideshow - should it say analogue?

    Anyway for what my view is worth - lovely site!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Default Re: 1st Website opinions?

    Amazing Feedback pauland I shall look at all of those points, thanks so much for taking the time. really appreciate it..

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Default Re: 1st Website opinions?

    Quote Originally Posted by nobbyy View Post

    The links in the thread don't work for me, I assume that is because you have decided on the version to go for?

    I looked at the site at http://www.alanbranch.com - loved it, looked very professional and visually appealing.

    Dont want to be a pedant, but you may wish to review the spelling in your blog section and also along the bottom of your slideshow - should it say analogue?

    Anyway for what my view is worth - lovely site!
    Hi nobbyy, yes I moved it to the main site, someone wanted to look at it so I thought I may as well go with it as it's better than the original. yes a few typo's thanks for taking the time to look & post, what a great community here.

    I can't edit the first post - the test site has been moved as the main site now, http://alanbranch.com/ after deciding to go with one version, I shall continue to update this with all the brilliant feedback.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2011

    Default Re: 1st Website opinions?

    You might find this interesting regarding video on landing pages:

    "Video should be used on your landing pages whenever possible. It provides a passive engagement medium where visitors can experience your message with very little effort. If you feature yourself or company employees in the video, the trust factor is raised significantly."


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Default Re: 1st Website opinions?

    Quote Originally Posted by Arpeggio View Post
    You might find this interesting regarding video on landing pages:

    "Video should be used on your landing pages whenever possible. It provides a passive engagement medium where visitors can experience your message with very little effort. If you feature yourself or company employees in the video, the trust factor is raised significantly."

    Thats really interesting thanks Arpeggio, ok I shall try and design something specific.




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