FB is 95% purile nonsense. That said I have a friend who operates a chippy and his (in fact his 12 year old son's) marketing on FB is fantastic. It pulls in over 60% of his trade. But it requires constant every day input.

I've never understood blogs. I follow one. Never follow any rss readers, nor twitter or LinkedIn. As for google Ads etc I get pissed off with being targeted for products I no longer am interested in or have already purchased.

In fact I believe the communication channels are become so splintered that they are becoming a hinderance rather than a help. "I pm'ed you on FB", great, I only go on FB about once a week. I Skyped you, I Facetimed you, Twitered you, I Google Chatted you, I dropBoxed you, I Texted you, emailed you, etc etc etc. My names Victor Meldrew!