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  1. #71
    Join Date
    Apr 2011
    Hungary, Poland

    Default Re: November 2014 Video Tutorial -- The Importance of Backgrounds!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gare View Post
    That was (somewhat of) a joke.
    Sorry to hear that a MasterTeacher (or TeacherMaster) like you Gare has to struggle with such things, even if that was a joke. We as a kind of globalized society should ensure your livelihood already, like the ancient greek society did with their philosophers. So you could sleep calm and a lot

  2. #72
    Join Date
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    Betwixt & Between

    Default Re: November 2014 Video Tutorial -- The Importance of Backgrounds!

    Quote Originally Posted by stygg2003 View Post
    Forsaken moderation and blurred the crap out of the wavy wallpaper as you suggested Gary also added the flower shadow on the floor as suggested by Maya. As you see, I'm always open to suggestions and advice as long as it's not money as I've got none anyway

    The blurred background is giving depth to the scene...but I'm unsure where the flower's shadow should be... it sort of looks like the light hits it from above and left casting the shadow maybe above the bowl stretching partially across and beyond it on the floor just a small distance... giving a view of only a portion of the flower's shadow. Or maybe the flower shadow could be left out entirely like if it was hidden by the bowl's shadow???
    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover."
    -Mark Twain

  3. #73
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    Default Re: November 2014 Video Tutorial -- The Importance of Backgrounds!

    @csehz— It is totally off-topic for me to talk about finances—sorry—it was a joke and about as petty, small-minded, or whatever, as talking about religion or politics, highly personal, leads to bad feelings when discussed at length.

    We are actually quite fortunate, csehz: we have just about everything we could ever ask for, because what we ask for is knowledge, which the internet has provided more of than we could possibly digest in a lifetime, you know? We have a roof over our heads, a car in the driveway, some nice gardens Barbara plants and I have a good machine in my office and one upstairs in my Music Room where I can use digital samples to emulate just about any instrument, including a Steinway 9 foot, with beautiful fidelity.

    The fridge is full and we still have family and friends to celebrate with, although sadly the number has decreased in recent years.

    In fact, instead of wanting something, I'd like to give something to our group this year. The song is public domain and I played, recorded and produced it myself. The visuals are just eye candy. It's almost impossible to embed an mp3 in this forum software, so you add visuals, make it an MPEG, and off you go:

    Most everything I am and do in life is by choice, my friend. Product of being in a free country, I imagine!

    My Best,


  4. #74
    Join Date
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    Betwixt & Between

    Default Re: November 2014 Video Tutorial -- The Importance of Backgrounds!

    That is a lovely rendition, Gare!
    "Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do, so throw off the bowlines, sail away from safe harbor, catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore, Dream, Discover."
    -Mark Twain

  5. #75
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Urmston, Manchester,England

    Default Re: November 2014 Video Tutorial -- The Importance of Backgrounds!

    Quote Originally Posted by Crow Haven View Post
    The blurred background is giving depth to the scene...but I'm unsure where the flower's shadow should be... it sort of looks like the light hits it from above and left casting the shadow maybe above the bowl stretching partially across and beyond it on the floor just a small distance... giving a view of only a portion of the flower's shadow. Or maybe the flower shadow could be left out entirely like if it was hidden by the bowl's shadow???
    You have given me a lot of options Maya - decisions- decisions ! Or, leave the flower out all together (only joking Gare)


  6. #76
    Join Date
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    Sunshine Coast BC, Canada. In a beautiful part of BC's temperate rainforest

    Default Re: November 2014 Video Tutorial -- The Importance of Backgrounds!

    I really enjoyed that Gary, What Child is This is one of my favourites.
    My current Xara software: Designer Pro 365 12.6

    Good Morning Sunshine.ca | Good Morning Sunshine Online(a weekly humorous publication created with XDP and exported as a web document) | Angelize Online resource shop | My Video Tutorials | My DropBox |
    Autocorrect: It can be your worst enema.

  7. #77
    Join Date
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    Hungary, Poland

    Default Re: November 2014 Video Tutorial -- The Importance of Backgrounds!

    Quote Originally Posted by Gare View Post
    we have just about everything we could ever ask for, because what we ask for is knowledge, which the internet has provided more of than we could possibly digest in a lifetime, you know?
    What a big truth, the internet really showed that we are very very small to digest everything so simply has no sense even to target it.

    Merry Christmas also for you of course

    @Stygg finally it is not important where should be the flower shadow, because who can prove it if it looks right? Okay maybe a person who model it in a 3D program or maybe setup the scene at home and do a photo

  8. #78
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Urmston, Manchester,England

    Default Re: November 2014 Video Tutorial -- The Importance of Backgrounds!

    Set up the scene and photograph it at home csehz! no chance, it's like a mad house here, everyone dashing to shops and supermarkets, you know how it goes- have we got this, we will need that. You'd think it's the end of the world coming not Christmas! Anyhow your point taken on board as well but I've settled for this one, for no reason other than I like it

    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Vase.jpg 
Views:	139 
Size:	51.4 KB 
ID:	105119  

  9. #79

    Default Re: November 2014 Video Tutorial -- The Importance of Backgrounds!

    Instead of modelling it in 3D software you could just use clip map and map those foreground objects to a simple rectangle, then just setup the scene to match your image and render.

  10. #80
    Join Date
    Oct 2002
    Liverpool, N.Y.

    Default Re: November 2014 Video Tutorial -- The Importance of Backgrounds!

    Hi the inonen—

    Artists can use the Arrange>ClipView command on foreground objects for sue, to isolate them, but all the works I put up this month are completely vector, no need to clip them to a shape. But your idea of using a rectangle and then perhaps extruding it and rotating it is a worthy one.

    My Best,





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