Nice animated gif Larry. However I must admit to confusion on where this thread is supposed to be going. The OP quoted:
In the end I need svg files, doing a whiteboard animation.
So this can be done in Xara and whiteboard software. My only experience is of whiteboard software is VideoScribe and I can't comment on other whiteboard software.

There are several factors to take into account here. I've explained that Xara generated SVG's don't import correctly size-wise into VideoScribe unless the SVG file isn't first stripped of it's def tags in Notepad. Once this is done the file imports correctly. Don't know who's to blame for this, probably the svg format and it's many variants.

The other problem I have is with VideoScribe, a quirky and overpriced piece of software. It can only export animations as .mov, .flv and .wmv, all video formats otherwise as .png or .jpg sequence files which I assume can be used in Flash and other gif type animation programs. You really should be able to export as an animated svg at least.

Finally you can remove the drawing tool, hand, pencil, pen etc with "none" just to get an animation similar to a gif rendering but it's still a video format.

I probably won't renew my annual subscription to VideoScribe next yearas it's to expensive, the UI is rubbish and the lack of SVG animation.