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  1. #1

    Thumbs down Bug report: Editing and saving a PDF results in unreadable file

    1. Right click PDF in Explorer, and open it with Xara Designer Pro X10.
    2. Edit PDF.
    3. Save it (Ctrl-s).
    4. Try to open it in Foxit Reader. I get: "Format Error: Not a PDF or corrupted."

    With Xara the PDF can still be opened, possibly because it has been saved as a Xara file.

    A workaround is exporting to PDF, but that's a bit cumbersome. Simply being able to save using Ctrl-s would be great. With JPEG images, for example, saving directly works fine.

    I reported the bug to support.xara.com as ticket #QYJ-380-51374.

  2. #2

    Default Re: Bug report: Editing and saving a PDF results in unreadable file

    It's not a bug. It is a .xar file.

    Wanting to save (or even a save as) to a PDF directly would be a suggestion. Which functionally is no different that export to PDF.

  3. #3

    Default Re: Bug report: Editing and saving a PDF results in unreadable file

    Quote Originally Posted by mwenz View Post
    It's not a bug. It is a .xar file.
    Then it should be with .xar extension.

    When I edit a JPEG and save that from Xara, then it gets saved as a JPEG. That being said, I understand that PDFs are possibly much harder to save automatically. There are many options affecting size and quality.

  4. #4

    Default Re: Bug report: Editing and saving a PDF results in unreadable file

    Quote Originally Posted by feklee View Post
    Then it should be with .xar extension...
    I see what you are on about now. Sorry.

    I have never opened a PDF in XDP in that manner. I have used drag and drop, which results in an unnamed file. So any attempt at a save results in the XAR extension being added.

    Yes, when a right-click, Open With action is performed, the result is XDP keeps the PDF extension during the save operation. Until such time as Xara corrects this (if ever), I would suggest either using drag and drop from explorer, or, if using the Open With command from Explorer, immediately do a Save As and make sure the extension is removed.

    This thread should be moved into the Dear Xara section.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2000
    Placitas, New Mexico, USA

    Default Re: Bug report: Editing and saving a PDF results in unreadable file

    As per Mike's suggestion, this thread has been moved to Dear Xara which is more appropriate for feature requests and bug reports.



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