Quote Originally Posted by Big Frank View Post
Great idea to take the boy/girl out into the countryside (unless it's to kill what's in the countryside in which case it's just dumb). I really like your Helle Alden illustration, it reminds me of the Opinel knives that just about all of the locals around here carry in their pocket and they keep them for dozens and dozens of years. You can really tell the old ones by the way the plade is half the width (or less!) than it was when it was bought! The knife you have drawn appear not to fold out but be fixed, although I could be wrong as I don't know that make of knife.

In any case, Great Drawing, keep 'em coming!
Taking my daughter to the countryside is purely to enjoy what it has to offer and teach her how to appreciate the land. We tend to do a lot of craft stuff when we are out & about. I have heard of those Opinel Knives before buy never owned one and yes the one in the Illustration is a fixed blade. I carry an Eka folding knife which is just over 20 yr old now and when you compare it to a new one, yes you can see the wear on the blade as it's been sharpened over the years which i have always found appealing. Gives them character i say.

Thanks for the comment as much appreciated.